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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pru7avbzmnbyaax/Legends%20Of%20Tomorrow%20S03E14%20-%20Amazing%20Grace%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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David Brown

Yes Shan, Elvis did have a twin brother, Jesse, who died stillborn. The actor playing Elvis is Luke Bilyk. The singing voice for Elvis was voice actor Jess Harnell. They couldn't use real recordings of Elvis because of copyright issues and they didn't want to pay. They were indeed talking about Robert Johnson from the Supernatural episode. Interestingly, the Constantine TV show's 3rd episode dealt with a fictionalized version of Robert Johnson named Willy Cole.

Patrick - Excelsior

Shan....you did know you released this episode on Elvis's birthday right? Born Jan 8th, 1935

Jason Veevaert

Wow my Elvis loving family members would love this!

Angela Colon

In regards to the racist thing, they've addressed it far better in previous episodes. Not every episode needs to discuss racism. I do agree that people were like that back then.

Patrick - Excelsior

Jess Harnell (aka Wakko from Animaniacs) supplied Elvis's singing voice.


One of my FAVE LoT episodes EVER. The tribute, the lore(the bringing forth of a wholly uncommon facts about the family) the actors/voice actors used, the performances.....ughhhhh. LOVE IT.