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I'm guessing you didn't know that in the comics there's like 3 different Aqualads


Garth is the original Aqualad in the comics and he is white. He debuted in 1960


I liked your rant on whitewashing, it's all too true and so annoying. But it doesn't apply here. Like the others said, there are 2 aqualads in the comics, Garth and Kaldur. This is Garth, the first and an OG Titans. Kaldur replaced him in the comics. Kaldur was created for YJ but not the superhero Aqualad. He was then brought into the comics tho he has a different origin and name and doesn't live in Atlantis like in the show. There is no actual whitewashing here. And it was great to see Garth finally on tv even if it didn't last lol I love you Shan, but I can't help but laugh at fact you went on a like 5 min rant over rep and accuracy when the only thing that's not accurate about his look is the fact he's blond instead of black hair and he doesn't have his tattoos lol


Also yes, Kory was never white. People were pissed when Anna was cast but she was based off a back woman so f*** them lol

Steven Davison

I liked the rant on representation but it's funny how you googled Young Justice to find the Aqualad from there instead of just googling Aqualad and going on 'images' 😂


This is a different Aqualad. Not the one from Young Justice however Garth does appear in Young Justice as Kaldur’s friend


The timeline on Hawk and Dove drove me nuts too, but here’s what I can gather. IIRC in the Hawk and Dove episode they hooked up and Dawn says she can’t be with him cause they’re both too damaged so it’s toxic. That’s when later she found Dick and they started dating. Obviously they have since broken up and in present timeline Hawk and Dove have been together for 2 close to 3 years.


Actually this is meant to be the original Aqua Lad yes Aqua Lad has been around since the 60s has not a new character. The version you're thinking of is from the New 52 comics that was adapted for Young Justice. The only change here is his hair color the original had black hair and this one is Blonde. They didn't race bend his character the new 52 comics did that.


The New 52 didn’t race bend him either! Garth still exists! Garth and Kaldur are two separate characters


Lol its annoying and stupid watching you rant on Garth...you literally can google who Garth is instead of asking why they rename him. YOU LITERALLY GOOGLE KALDUR BUT NEVER GOOGLE GARTH OMFG!!!! Lol jkjk