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I like to think that the kryptonite arrow is part of what Snart tried to steal in 1x03 of Legends


just started the second reaction now after finishing the first but I really enjoyed the comment "why om my god, he is just taking his mask off" and then followed up by an oh my god reaction from Shan when she saw who it was, that was a awesome reaction


Now I'm imagining Oliver sneaking to Earth-38 just to get some kryptonite

James jackson

Do we actually know Krypton's fate in the Eath 1 section of the multiverse? Earth 1 kara could still be stuck in the phantom zone or they never escaped the planet at all.


I've never tried to fansplain it away, but "did you just go to her Earth and ask about kryptonite?" I feel foolish having watched this episode a good half dozen times.


So, Colin Donnell (Tommy, Prometheus-X) wrapped on his day job(that was at the time Chicago Med, fillmed in Chicago), hopped on a flight(to Vancouver), NAILED his scene and flew back to work. "He made his crossover appearance happen because he cares. Super grateful." That's what Stephen Amell tweeted about his friend and former co-star, guest appearance after the episode aired. That was such a pleasant surprise to see him again)


I think that he's the RF from season 2 of Legends. In season 2 finale of Legends there were supposed to be two versions of everyone, but we only saw one Thawne and he created a bunch of time remnants, and they all died when Black Flash killed their creator the OG RF. I think, the one that was killed by Black Flash, was the time aberration from Doomworld and would have dissapeared anyway when Sara depowered the Spear of Destiny and 'fixed' the timeline. So the other RF probably escaped somewhere, maybe to Earth-X. And now he returned becase he doesn't need to fear the Black Flash, who was killed by Killer Frost in season 3 finale of the Flash. But who the 'f' knows?!)


I love crossovers so much but you should never think too much about it. here they simply admitted that they didn't even think of a reason why reverse flash was there ^^. Same with the choice of guests or why Wally was just sent away. A lot happened under the moto because we need it for the story.


I never understood the earths conversation, because there isn't 53 earths. Because isn't it infinite Earths. I can understand they probably don't know how many there is, but just having 53 earths is confusing. Unless I'm missing something. But other than that, a great episode, and I am so happy Tommy Merlyn was in this Episode. I miss him so much from Arrow.


I'm pretty sure it's a comics thingy. DC had(or maybe still has) a line of comics called 52, and also New 52. And I'm pretty sure there were 52 parallel universes there somewhere. So the Arrowverse writers used that concept, but instead of making Earth 10 - Earth X, like it is comics(I think), they said that it's a crappy earth with no designation, it's not one of 52 good ones, so it will be our 53rd Earth)))

Walter Alcaraz

Actually, the 52 means 52 Earths that have been explored or contacted. Harry then said there is a 53rd Earth, Earth-X, which no one from the other known Earths dares to visit because it is so horrible. It's like in Superman (and Supergirl) when Jor-El says "This is the sum knowledge of the 28 known galaxies." There are billions... trillions... of galaxies in the universe, however, Krypton has explored 28 of them. Nevertheless, the Earth numeration is relative to each Earth apparently. Remember back in Season 2 of The Flash, when Harry first visited Earth-1, he took offense to his Earth being called Earth-2. "You haven't even come up with CFL Quark matter, so to me, I'm from Earth-1, and you are Earth-2."


To the earth one Krypton question: Most likely Krypton exploded and no one made it off the planet. That would explain why there are no Kryptonians yet there is Kryptonite on Earth. As to how Oliver knows Kara’s weakness... Idk. We do know from Supergirl 3x04 Krypton sent out pods with Kryptonite in them and information on Krypton on Earth-38. Maybe they did the same on Earth-1 and Lyla told him?

David Brown

Savitar-Barry told Barry, "That's the thing about time travel. The more you do it, the less the rules apply to you." Weird, but oh well. Okay.