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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/14ujpvu6dwjjdq7/Arrow%20S06E07%20-%20Thanksgiving%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Andreas Froby

Not his exact daughter, but still a alternative version of his daughter.

Jason Veevaert

Like in Rick and Morty, that they live with an alternate version of their family, making it a... paradox? Oxymoron?

David Brown

The footage of singer Billy Joel was taken from a concert he performed 2 years before the filming of this episode.

Jake Hodgson

Though I don't think the edit was seamless, it looked different to me anyway, I still think the effect to put it in was kind of neat. I'm sure they looked to see what concert footage they had access to before deciding on what performer to use.