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I didn't care for this episode the first time I watched it. Maybe I'll like it better this time. This is too late in the season for a MOTW like this, IMO. But I've only seen it once, so I could change my mind.

Elisa Ingo

Angel food cake vs devil food cake.... Jack chose correctly... or did he?


I had a good chuckle at Danny the Street XD


ugh - maybe my least favorite episode of this season. The over done music score was just a minor part of that dislike. That's come to be normal. But it's mostly a Cas and Sam episode and people love it, I hear. But I did LOVE your reaction to seeing Sam as the husband! OMG. Priceless! I think what they should have done was have his hair get cut to fit the role of the husband. They wwouldn't have long hair there. And then that could be a running thing throughout the rest of the season. That would have been perfect! Cas used to be able to tell if someone had a soul by sticking his hand inside them. But, with Jack, how would it be for him if he didn't have a soul? He's not a human. He's part human, but not full human. Angels don't have souls, but something governs them and helps them feel things. Cas obviously feels things. It's not like Cas has grown a soul. So maybe Jack not having a soul wouldn't be the same thing as a human losing their soul. Maybe the grace adds something too. But Cas wasn't acting like a souless human when he lost his Grace. It's all so confusing. And why did Donatello have to instill a bit of suspicion into Dean's mind like that? grrr - that's the last thing we need now.

Billy Dancel

I was expecting you to fall out of your chair by the way Sam said, "Rawr" but ... nothing side note... I love to swing dance and when I heard, "Pink Shoelaces" I started bopping around the room.