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These "Vaults" actually exist but there's around 30 of them over the whole world, not just one in a random American city. If somehow all 30 of them were destroyed then yes, the Internet would mostly cease to function but that's practically impossible.

Jon Dub

The plot of this episode is a little dumb, like the internet is an actual physical entity. Taking out one building wouldnt scratch even 1% of the internet, its on servers located throughout billions of computers across every country in the globe. This reminds me of the IT crowd, when Moss and Roy trick Jen into thinking that blinking box contains "The internet".


Man, you are complaining a lot......and that's not even a bad episode. And Felicity IS a main character, John is too, and so is all of the Team Arrow. And Laurel, and Quentin)))


No... it is a bad episode. Yes Felicity and John are main characters however, Oliver is THE main character and he is sidelined. Sure it is nice sometimes to have other characters to get the spotlight. I think this episode would work better if the reason for the reversal was Oliver was seriously injured that he couldn't be the Green Arrow and he had to be the "guy/girl in the chair"

Jon Dub

Yeah I get her complaints about the plot, but not about the focus on Felicity. All shows that have several main characters have episodes where one of the main characters is the focus. This was a Felicity episode. Just like Buffy had Willow episodes, and Smallville would have Chloe episodes etc


I mean the internet is an actual physical entity. It is just not in one vault but many

Jason Veevaert

Bit of a rough plot, but I LOVED that Michael Emerson showed up (Big Person of Interest Fan)


Basically the plot of fight club....good movie. Also, Egypt did shutdown their internet for a few days. All I know for sure...my ears hurt on this one.

David Brown

Shan, the actor who plays Cayden James voiced The Joker in The Dark Knight Returns animated movie. Also, it wasn't Cayden James who rescued Laurel from the island. It was the guy (from Agents of SHIELD Season 7) who actually rescued her. When he rescued her, all we saw were his boots and Laurel taking his hand when he helps her up. When he is revealed in this episode, the camera first focuses on his boots to indicate that's who he was. And he works for Cayden James.


This episode was awful and I 100% blame felicity for everything bad cayden James does! Also hacking is really boring and the reason we have that as a major story element In a green arrow show is felicity


Not sure how spoilery this is probably not but to answer your question Shan he had his daughter several years ago already. It’s no secret right around this time when Season 6 dropped that Stephen Amell was growing tired of Arrow and wanted to take a break and spend more time with his family. In fact the next season was the last season of his contract and he had zero interest in returning but the producers begged him to return for a Season 8 so that they could properly wrap up the show. The lack of Oliver likely has a lot to do with what you were wondering, spend more time with family. He was kinda done with Arrow at this point.

Patrick - Excelsior

Actually The Internet is spread across almost 75 million interconnected servers. A large portion of these would have to be removed to really affect the overall "internet". And even so, any P2P would be unaffected. Your best bet for taking out internet would be a widespread EMP burst. Through, for example, the detonation of many hundred atomic bombs.