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I can see why Nick would be pretty messed up after the life he's had. This isn't me making excuses for him. I'm just saying that it makes sense to me that he would be incredibly broken. To borrow a phrase, I wouldn't have been surprised if he had went 'full Fred' right after no longer being possessed. He has at least some of Lucifer's memories, and Lucifer was locked in the cage for ages, which we know can destroy a person mentally. Then Nick's mourning the murder of his family on top of that, and he probably remembers many of the bad things Lucifer did, only he'd remember them as if he did them. Does he also remember what Lucifer was feeling when he did them? Maybe Lucifer was, in a way, addicted to all of the terrible things he did to people, and Nick is now awake with the memories of an addict. So, I'm not surprised that he's now like this.


Sorry for this long one. Guess I had a lot to say. lol! Finally!!! That a demon had killed Nick's family was a theory I've had for a while. Lucifer wanted Nick ready to say Yes. Vulnerable. So that loose thread has finally been handled. Yay. Other than that, I'm sure the writers/producers had some reason for having Nick stay alive and become a raving homicidal lunatic, but I'm not sure what that is. Maybe it's just the story they want to tell about what happens to a human who was posessed by Lucifer for that long. But that brings up some issues. Too many. Like, the fact that the human vessel shouldn't have survived. Starting back with season 5 finale. Lucifer left Nick to posess Sam, and Nick's body was showed to be dead. Guess it got buried or the demons did something with it. But Lucifer was able to use it again in season 11 because the demons recovered it. But it was a dead body and Lucifer just reposessed it. Nicks soul would have been long gone. So where did This Nick come from???? Enough of my ranting. Moving on. It is an interesting concept, regarding Nick and him dealing with the after affects of housing Lucifer. He couldn't deal with the feelings he had after his wife and child were murdered, and now those feelings are back again and he can't handle it. But I was really irked when I saw that he was apparently able to reach Lucifer in the Empty. grrrr I grudgingly fell in love with Rowena too over the seasons. I found her very interesting from the start. I think that's happened to a lot of us. The actress playing her has done a great job and the writer's have really done well too. I loved seeing the three dads, and auntie Rowena, coming together to help Jack. I love it when they do stuff like that. But then something weird starting happening with dean and I was worried that this was after affects of being posessed by an archangel. It's supposed to mess up a host and Dean seemed to have been doing fairly well. He was the perfect host though, so I figured that helped. But at least I was satisfied that they weren't just going to totally move on after the short Michael!Dean thing and we might get some more. Like with the Mark of Cain. I actually liked that story arc, and felt it helped make up for such a short Demon!Dean period. But, a pet peeve of mine regarding the writers comes up in this episode. Retconning. Ugh. Dean and Jack fishing was awesome, but John never took dean or sam fishing. So there were no good memories of them fishing. This was made very clear in the early seasons. very clear. I hate it when they retcon the boys' past. I know why they did it for this scene, but I still hate it. Like when Sam talked about John taking them on trip to the Grand Canyon when they were little - he said that when he was going goofy back in season 6 - or was it 7? Dean specifically said in season 2 in a scene that they had never been to the grand canyon and he wanted to go. It's hard for me to let stuff like that go and I don't know why! That scene between Jack and Dean was beautiful and I want to enjoy it for what it was. Ugh - I need to let that stuff go.