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Can't wait for the season 14 finale!

Brendan O'Connor

Gadreel was the Angel inhabiting Sam. He told Dean he was Ezekiel because he was an honorable and trustworthy angel, which is why Cas said Dean could trust him


Season 14! OMG. You're the first Reactor I've followed from the start who's gotten this far. Pretty exciting. I don't think you'll catch up to season 15 before it ends though. 40 episodes left in the show. That's 21 weeks, maybe. At 2 a week. Maybe you will. Hope I'm wrong. I'm horrible at math. There are just 7 episodes left to air, so it will likely be over by end of November, early December. I find that I tend to have negative comments these days. Sorry about that. I still love the show, but the negative stuff is what I feel like talking about mostly. I had a similar theory/hope as you. I speculated that they would finally let Michael loose from the cage and he could help them deal with AU Michael. I had other theories too though. Totally agree with your sentiments about how limited the demon dean plot was and wanting this one to be longer. It was really nice seeing Sam take charge in this episode and basically being a general - or Chief. I really did not like that Cas and bar full of demons thing. Cas should have seen that they were all demons. He's an angel. They can tell. We know that. Apparently the writer doesn't - or doesn't think the audience would care or notice. ugh And then he loses the fight agains a bunch of punk ass demons. What's up with that? And now he's held hostage. I guess Cas doesn't have much energy these days. Side effect of Heaven losing power? So much they don't explain very well and we just have to figure out ourselves. Or Head Canon I loved that Danneel was able to have a scene with Jensen. So cool seeing them act together again, seeing as they started dating while working on the independent movie 10 Inch Hero. I do think Jensen was still working out how to play Michael. It at least seemed that way to me. I seriously hated seeing that Nick was still alive! How the He!! did that happen?! That should not have been possible. His soul should have gone long ago. The body was not intact long ago. Jimmy Novak's soul didn't survive the destruction of his body, so Nick's shouldn't have either. His body died more than once. Totally dead. They had to put it back together basically. The main writers and show runner's love the actor/character so much they just didn't want to let him go. But I hate it. It makes no since. They seem to think their justification about the blade would suffice. Nope! They really do treat us like we're stupid and don't care. I was so over Lucifer. Seeing Nick doesn't change that. By this point I was so fed up with the whole thing that I wasn't open to Nick at all. That image of Michael through Sister Jo's eyes is awesome. First time we've been able to see that.


I think I'm calling "Dean Michael" Mickey-D :D

Patrick - Excelsior

Bobby tells Jack, "As a wise man once said, it ain't how hard ya hit, it's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." Jack assumes its from Gandhi, but it is actually a line from a Rocky movie.