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My question is why go with Lala? The name Latavious sounds pretty b****ing

Andrew Polinski

Unfortunately the reality is/was this kind of profiling by white police officers is/was rancid in areas of America. Police in America are one of the most untrained police forces in the world. This show yes shows a lot of 'white' officers in a bad light but it's also the reality of the USA.

Samantha Bailey

I enjoyed and watched the show as it aired live. I have also met some of the cast at Comic con last year, which was awesome. Not sure if you are aware but the actor that plays Tobias is an Albino which is why his skin is so pale and his hair is red.


I know australians understand America through music/movies/tv shows....but don't really understand Americas society. First, yes many cities have heavily black schools. There are pockets of cities of lower income, which are usually minorities...this is very common(unlike what the tv shows usually portray. These areas are therefore patrolled by the same cops who serve the rest of the city...they are usually white cops, as in America only 12% of cops are black which is not representative of how many black people live in the US at about 26%. So yes cops in black neighborhoods are more than likely going to be white. Was it heavy handed? absolutely...but it was not inaccurate, more accurate than what you are used to seeing...and that is why it feels over the top to you. You have already gotten used to believing that American society and high schools are like the teen drama buffyverse world were all that matters is cheerleaders and jocks...this is far more innacurate than what this heavy handed show is portraying, so it comes off even more over the top, since to many it is out of sight....and "outta sight outta mind". The most inaccurate thing portrayed in this show is the wealth....no way his family would live in such a nice home that was also in the jurisdiction of heavily black school.


Okay to be clear I haven’t seen Black Lightning even tho I am caught up on the rest of the Arrow-verse. I saw the first two episodes and kinda got bored and just didn’t watch the other episodes. I do feel tho that this isn’t the last episode that will be political


Maybe some people find Teletubbies more frightening than Latavious but yeah I agree also I think in other reactions I've seen they comment on that too :)


I really don’t want to get into stuff like this, but black people are about 13% of our population in the US. It was inaccurately stated elsewhere.


not in cities....also that 13% does not count mixed races nor legal immigrants. so you're right....but not in a sense that represents city life. including rural demographics to counter what cities are like is misleading....like saying mcdonalds is a healthy restaurant cuz they have salads....true, but not accurate.


Okay, whatever you’re going to believe.


I believe these...thanks thou https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/nashville-tn-population https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/houstoncitytexas https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/dallascitytexas https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/newyorkcitynewyork https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/stlouiscitymissouricounty https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/chicagocityillinois https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/bostoncitymassachusetts


and boston, and nashville, and dallas, and houston, and st louis...you want to see Atlanta...which a show like this is most likely based on?


😐 The only thing I said was about the country as a whole. I wasn’t even talking about the show.


and I said you were right about that part...but thats the issue, shows use national demographics as a representations of what cities are like...for example LA is almost majority hispanic...you'd never know it by how shows portray it....If i were to believe a show like Lucifer, i'd think there were more british people and black people than hispanics. Also, why was there no problem when 70% of the black people on most shows were criminals doing bad, but once they showed white cops being bad on black lightning it became a talking point? That is what is called "systematic racism" not that people themselves are racist, but that they've been conditioned to normalize certain things.


Redux: Okay, whatever you’re going to believe.

Brandon Wiesner

I don't/haven't watched this show before, so this is the first time. Yes, the messages are a bit heavy handed and exaggerated. They are basically painting the cops about as bad as your typical mustache-twirling villain. Having grown up in and around a city area and having moved to a similar environment, in the States, I can definitely say that the outlook that African Americans have of police and many whites is not too far off. What happened recently further expanded the divide and it's really sad. I know it's not something that you would rather not think about but the unfortunate part of watching a show created in the current socio-political climate is, real life will be portrayed in entertainment. Especially when it's a show in prime time that is part of a flagship series like the Arrowverse.


This whole thread is confusing... Koz, why were u saying that 13% of the population is black? Like what are referencing when u said something was inaccurate


Wyatt Taylor, the percentage of the US population that is black is 13.4 %. That’s according to the US census. And that was, without exaggeration, the ONLY point I was trying to make. And that was acknowledged as true. And again, that was the only thing I said. Like, at all. ✌🏻

David Brown

Shan, I'm not sure how familiar you are with American history. But Black Lightning is set in the American South, if that helps you for context.

Tammy L. Faulkner

I keep meaning to watch the second and third season but just havent. guess I can re-watch season 1 with you and watch the rest WITH you.

Tammy L. Faulkner

The stuggles in this show are correct Shan... as white person we don't SEE it the same way. I personally HAVE seen it. And no... there are plenty of white pplin the backround for a black comunity.

Lucile Byrd

I know this was a year ago, and meaning no offense, but I hope you educated yourself on the racial issues in the US before you continued to react to Black Lightning, especially with the comments made in this reaction. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this is kind of beyond that. Those in and out of this country fortunate enough to not have to deal with the racial hostilities that black Americans have to, specifically by the public servants paid to protect us, imagine this show is an overreaction or pushing a political agenda because it is actually showing the truth we experience on a daily basis in our communities in this country. People act like this is something that barely happens, but it happens all of the time and has for generations, it is just now being exposed. It great that you can just ignore what we are going through in this country, but regardless of what most non black Americans want to believe, our plight is not political, that is just a way to minimalize the severity of what we go through and an excuse to not do anything about it. Also, every show and movie uses realistic aspects of life, there is no getting around that, so why should the reality of what black people in America deal with on a daily basis continue to be ignored?