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Vincent really is turning into the Bonnie of this series in which he's the only witch other than Freya people turn to for help and he ends up getting burned every time. Seriously, he lost his unborn child after his wife was driven mad by a 1500 year old witch, he got possessed by the most bland of the Mikaelsons, he got used left, right and center by the Ancestors when he became Regent and now he watched his love interest die twice. Kinda sucks to be Vincent right now

Chantelle Miles

Actually u should know the afterlife and peace exists from the Vampire diaries finale because Delena found peace together and with their family remember. Damon and stefan found each other after he had a happy life with Elena just like Elena said. They find each other again after a long happy life "That is the promise of peace" the other side doesnt exist anymore but peace does. We saw Lexi find peace I'm s5 finale too after her unfinished business to stop Marco


losing someone nor matter who it is, breaks you. You slowly pick the pieces up but they will never go back. You will always remember them and some days can be harder than others. It's been years since I lost someone and that feeling is always there and the guilt and the pain but it does easy but I do have meltdowns on certain days.

Fly on the Wall

"Klaus would just kill them." To be fair, this was actually Elijah's idea this time.