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Christopher simeon

Nope they picked Mack because he is the most moral and representative of what shield’s morals are supposed to be not because he doesn’t have emotions. Daisy wasn’t ready to be director because all her decisions are irrational AND emotionally driven without thinking of the consequences. Mack made a choice and had a plan if daisy was in this position she would make the same choice regardless of if she had a plan or not.

Nathan Van Slyke

I'm wondering if Mack hadn't have them abort and his parents drowned, what would've happened to him?


Suppose it depends on if Mack had been born prior to or after 1976. Given the actor was born in 1970 it's fair to say he would still have been alive, but probably would have lived a very different childhood and turned out a different person. Would his brother have been alive? That's another question. I think it's too open ended for us to really know. Maybe we'll find out going forward.

Christopher simeon

If it’s endgame rules then our Mack would live but this timelines Mack if already born would have no parents. If not born then Mack wouldn’t exist in this timeline.

Brandon Wiesner

We don't know if he was born yet in that time but let's suppose he wasn't. If his parents died, he wouldn't exist in that timeline. However, they are in a different timeline with the Zephyr, jumping around different time periods. Just like Sousa. So he would exist in that timeline. However, he would be forever stuck in that timeline and could never return to his original timeline.

Nathan Van Slyke

Time travel stuff is crazy! 😂 First Endgame does it and now shield.. but it's certainly a wild ride to go on for the final season!


I think the weirdest thing is that Endgame Shield are using different versions of time travel. Endgame took the more scientific/ realistic approach whereas Shield is doing the Hollywood version