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Watch ASR, get a tan for free. Those are some bright lights.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

For those of you who have read and enjoyed my long comments from before... If you wish to read my thoughts for this and future episode reactions, they will be on YouTube under each of After Show Reactions' episode reactions for Once Upon a Time once she posts them there from now on. I'm sorry that so many people had to ruin this for me and for you.


Everytime Baelfire calls Rumple "Papa" ... (;-;)


Actually Regina tired hard to change because we know how bad she can be yet she tried not use magic for Henry sake, she had to lose her love all over again and she was holding it together pretty well and one frame job is all it took I know that Cora did it well but Snow and the other were like you are never going to change and she has the audacity to sit there and tell her that she is giving her one last chance when they were so sure that she was guilty she didn't even apologize because for once in her life Regina was actually innocent.


That's what trying to be better is for.She was trying to change because of Henry she wanted to prove that she could a better person and make amend and it was hard for her cause we know how she is and one frame job and there are all to quick to condemn her and then she rolls back and say like she will give one last chance that's pretentious of Snow what do they get to decide that and what next time she gets frame they will against her again and when she is proven innocent they will say we give one last chance then she will have chance to grow will she;