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Fun fact the guy who got turned into a fish at the beginning is Anatoly the bratva guy from arrow.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Another fun reaction!! Thank you very much! First... I love the moments with Hook and Cora throughout this episode, despite Hook's role in this episode being fairly small in comparison to in other episodes. My favorite moment in this episode was in the beginning with David and Mary Margaret when they're still in bed together in the afternoon the morning after she and Emma returned home from the Enchanted Forest. I love how Emma is embarrassed and Henry's confused upon walking in on them, and that her parents joked about how happy they were that they could still traumatize their daughter so many years later. So cute!! The Charming family is beautiful and they're perfect!!! I love that the Charmings' closest friends threw a party to welcome Emma and Mary Margaret home and I love David's toast... to not having to look for his family for awhile. I also love that Emma invited Regina for Henry's sake. Her and Regina definitely have a lot of issues still to work out, but this was a first good step. Sadly, tragedy struck fast. Next... Cora does make for a great villain. However, It's so terrible that she's capable of framing her own daughter for murder, all so she can break Regina's spirit and to destroy all the good she's accomplished with just a little trickery. When I first saw this episode, I was so angry when I thought that she killed Archie, because like I've said before... Archie is one of my favorite characters outside of the major characters. I was so, so happy to see that he was still alive in the end. But it was so sad to see him get hurt and to see everyone's reactions to his death, especially Emma's and Henry's. And Regina's too. Archie never broke Regina's confidence in regards to the details of their sessions. He was wrong to say what he did, but he did so with good intentions. All he wanted was to help Regina by helping the others to see the good in her she was fighting to bring back out. Archie believes in Regina and because of this, Cora saw it as a cruel opportunity to teach her daughter a lesson, believing that she can later swoop in to pick up the pieces to help her daughter again. As for everyone being so quick to believe Regina really did all this... Cora really did do the perfect frame job. And with Regina's past, it would be incredibly difficult for anyone to believe in her. Except that Emma did to a point. Because while hers and Regina's pasts are hardly the same, Emma still saw some of Regina in herself. And I love that. Sadly, even Gold's solution to have Emma look into Pongo's memories didn't work, because Pongo only ever saw Regina enter. However, he did sense something wasn't right with Regina when Cora walked into Archie's office. Pongo sensed she was an impostor, which is why he barked. Unfortunately, that didn't come through in his memories. I also love that Emma has begun to develop her magic, as Gold encourages her to do so. It's great, and it shows a slight parallel with him beginning to teach Regina her own magic too. Next... I love the backstory with Snow and David capturing Regina and putting her on trial, bringing in another parallel to the present day storyline with the Charmings questioning Regina, and attempting to arrest her despite her having magic in the present time. I love how Snow fought to spare Regina's life because Regina had once saved her life, and in so doing, Snow then saved Regina's life by sparing it. I really love how Rumplestiltskin manipulated everything in order to convince Regina to cast the dark curse, by making it so that Regina wouldn't be able to kill Snow and Charming so long as they were in their world. Absolutely brilliant! And this brings us to the moment when Regina travels to their castle on the day of Snow's and Charming's wedding. Once again bringing it full circle to the beginning. Beautiful!! If there is really anything negative about this episode, it's that there wasn't enough of Hook in it, and that like you... I too was annoyed with how everyone came to believe Regina's guilty of Archie's death when she isn't. And both David and Mary Margaret are especially quick to judge her. :) Overall... I really enjoy this episode a lot and it's a great beginning to the second half of the season. Thank you very much again, for another great reaction! I can't wait for your next episode reactions!! :) Until next time...


For 20+ years now, anytime anyone on a TV show has said anything about tact, I've said "tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass." Now you're saying it with me! LOL!




Technically, Regina can't legally be Henry's mother either because SB doesn't exist outside of it. Reputable adoption agencies always have home checks before giving a baby to someone and that wouldn't be possible since no one could come in to StoryBrooke.


Aww, but evil Regina is hot Regina...Redemption be damned!

Ceara Abrahamsz

That’s a good point that I never thought about! If you think about it even more none of the people of Storybrook can even been considered citizens, they weren’t technically born of this world, let alone the state or country so their not even technically citizens of the United States. So yes, legally there is no way that Regina can be Henry’s legal guardian since she’s not actually a legal citizen of the country. Any fake documentation is just that fake, and made up by the curse.


...That in turn means Henry technically used an illegal credit card in the pilot, since it was Mary Margaret's. It worked for him to pay on the website and to get a cab ride.


I've never been an Emma fan, and this episode just reinforces my negative feelings toward her with the whole Henry situation. I have incredible respect for mothers who make the selfless sacrifice to put their children up for adoption when they know they can't care for them, but as a mother myself I can't get behind Emma's actions regarding Henry, which start in the very first episode. Regina is Henry's mother--she has cared for him from infancy, which is an incredibly trying time for any parent, let alone one doing it on their own. Then Emma swoops in and feels that she's entitled to not just be part of Henry's life in a lesser role, but to take over as his primary caregiver?! Fuck that noise. Like I said, I've never been an Emma fan. ;)

Josh Lomax

I would like to point out that Regina psychologically abused Henry for years by telling him that he was crazy and that shortly before this, she attempted to murder his birth mother and grandmother, which would have also condemned his grandfather to eternal sleep. I personally hate Emma as a character and do actually prefer Regina but liking a character doesn't mean you should ignore the facts