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Part 1 of the crossover!

OneHub link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/dka32vzi

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/snpmmt3ms3trz3s/The%20Flash%20S03E08%20-%20Invasion%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

Sometimes the video is unavailable to stream as it takes time to process. This means you may have to download it to watch the reaction. Sorry about that!




Earth-38 is a nod to the year 1938, which is when Superman was first created


Love the cross over eps. I agree with you about the annoying parts of this eps. I like the one-shot moments. On to the next part.


In fairness to Iris, I see why they are writing the character the way they are in relation to Wally. She has to live with her Dad being a cop and getting shot at, her boyfrind is a superhero who is always getting shot at or nearly killed every week, now her brother wants to do the same, can't really blame her for not wanting every member of her family almost getting killed every other day. Though if he were trained by Barry then maybe they could look after each other on missions... but I don't think she has thought of that yet.


When in doubt, bet on Iris being an idiot. She acts like Wally's mom, and a bad mother as well...lying and trying to control him, based on the fact that in an alternate timeline Wally was hurt (which is an incredibly stupid reason). I have no idea why the writers thought that was a good idea for her. She's known Wally for like a year, and is like 3, maybe 4 years older than him.


Sara needs to get off her high horse.


I see it that way too. How many times has she tried to change the time? The only difference is that she was unable to kill Darhk. Barry, on the other hand, was able to stop reverse flash.


Glad that the fact Supergirl is on Earth 38 is out in the open because i can post my theory/excuses to explain James Olson. However, I will post that on whatever the next Supergirl episode is

Tammy L. Faulkner

Iris is just being super protective... she has no power or ability to help, she has her love, affection and maternal instinct to protect. She may be his sister and NOT his mom, but she's still worried about him , just like she's worried about Berry everytime he faces another evil or her dad being in the force. She's being REAL... it maybe annoying to some watching, but to others it's a NORMAL human behavior.


when they showed rays new suit, ray had just said old west dwarf star plus replicator equals new suit. so that means he used the replicator in the waverider to made the parts for the suit and added the dwarf star he got in the old west last episode for power and now he has a new replacement suit.