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The writers are to blame for james becoming a vigilante not the actor


Between taking over Cat's position at CatCo and becoming a vigilante, all of these random plots they're throwing at James feels so much like they wanted to make up for the incredible lack of...literally anything important in the first season. The problem with that is there was no build-up to either of them. They just sort of...happened when the new writers realized just how boring his character is. I think Mehcad Brooks does perfectly fine in the role but James--from beginning to what you've already seen--just feels like an unnecessary character, in my opinion. The writers desperately trying to turn him into something he's not just makes his character as a whole feel very clunky and inconsistent. Just my personal take, obviously.


Absolutely the writers have lost touch on what to do with James character. The vigilante storyline is a very telling sign. It just really sucks that it’s this way because Mehcad Brooks is actually a talented actor and seeing him being criticized as nothing more than a “token black character” is really sad. Especially since Shan is infinitely more antagonistic towards token characters. It also sucks because even in his best moments. His scenes and bromance with Winn. Shan hates the character so much that she can’t even appreciate those great moments. It’s more than just a miscast though and you hit the nail on the head. The character was just completely unnecessary. Even if they had cast a white ginger in the role it wouldn’t have mattered. James Olsen just never fit into the story


Coming from somebody who’s gay, let me just say it’s honestly incredibly realistic to look back on your life and be like “Huh. Maybe I did have feelings for them.” Growing up, a lot of us kind of...repress those feelings out of fear or whatnot or don’t really understand them. So later on in life, we look back and realize that there have been moments, incidents, situations, etc, where it just clicks. I had a girlfriend in middle school before I fully realized myself. But like I said, looking back, I definitely didn’t have romantic or sexual feelings for her. Or for any of my female “crushes” I had growing up. Definitely not like I did for guys. It’s kind of like when you grow up and you have the moment of self-realization of why you are the way you are. You don’t know up until that moment and then it just all makes sense. Suddenly you’re aware of it and it’s just another piece of who you are. But you’re right. In terms of consistent writing for a television show, Alex realizing her sexuality does feel a bit tactless. Which is honestly such a shame because I think her story feels entirely realistic. In fact, I would say it’s one of the more relatable fictional coming out stories I’ve ever seen. However, with the switch to CW, it just feels like they wanted to do something for her character and came up with this with no lead-in from the previous season on CBS. So it really is just unfortunate that such a well-written coming out story came at the expense of Alex’s consistency as a character


Sorry to double dip in replies, but I just felt I had to comment. It’s interesting you and Shan feel that way about this considering Alex’s coming out story was received with rave reviews from critics and was even nominated for awards I believe. I guess it highlights the importance of consistency, but I’m not sure I necessarily agree. It had to have started somewhere and I get that there was no lead in from the previous season but considering how well it was written surely it should be seen as ample character progression but sadly I guess it’s not but rather seen as an inconsistency in Alex’s character


Oh God, last comment--I swear! I'm so sorry! I honestly really like that Mon-El calls Kara out on her bullshit. Don't get me wrong--Kara is my favorite character out of the entire Arrowverse. But what kind of fans of a character would we be if we couldn't acknowledge a character's faults? Kara is not flawless and Mon-El is one of those people who sees that and calls her out for it. Her ideology and morality aren't universal. She wants Mon-El to be this perfect vision of who she wants him to be based off of her own morals and that's not really okay to do to anybody when they aren't really out there being absolute psychopaths.


Like I said, I think that it is a really well-written coming out story. But due to the change in networks, the timing just feels like what they did with James in the sense that they wanted to make a change to the character so they added that into the season. I mean, I mentioned multiple times how much I really like the writing for her coming out story and how realistic I find it. That doesn't mean that I can't acknowledge the fact that there was a bit of build-up with her and Maxwell from the first season that probably would have led to something had they continued filming in Los Angeles. I'm not saying (or at least not trying to say) that her season 2 arc is poor writing. Just that it's a sudden shift from season 1 and season 2.


I just want to say, as someone who is gay. I didn’t realize I was gay until high school but then I started remembering and pinpointing moments from when I was like 8 where I would think about other students in my class who were the same gender, and I would crush in them but I tried to ignore those thoughts. But there was a time where I completely forgot those thoughts. So for Alex it’s not so much unlocking her memories it’s more so just remember because she had those feelings, then she tried to ignore them and eventually she forgot about those thoughts because she never had anytime to reflect on those thoughts because she was focusing on other things and that kept her mind away from those thoughts so meeting Maggie just reminded her of those thoughts she once had that forgot about for years. I get how you view Maxwell Lord and Alex as a possible relationship and you’re right if it was still in CBS they probably would have done so, however according to the show runners, they always wanted Alex to be a queer character, so I think even if she liked Maxwell...she could have confused those feelings, dated him, and then realized she actually didn’t like him in that way, going to cw was just the shows way of getting to revamp itself.


The Good: Alex’s storyline The Bad: James’ storyline The Ugly: Parasite

Brent Justice

How can you not know about Chernobyl, did you even study history?

Lina Krouford

Look, I know it's looks cheap (Alex's storyline), but... I'm on my 23 and not so long ago i came out to myself as bi. And i remembered my ex-best friend. We had a strong friendship too - like Alex and her friend. And sometimes I was getting really jealous over her other close friends. Or when our other friend said that he had a crush on her. For "some reason" i didn't like it either. But I thought I was like that because i was kinda possessive, you know? I knew it was ugly (my jealousy thing), but... Well, the point is that now I know that I was jealous because I liked her as a girl. So that's a thing.

Lina Krouford

So it's not really about remembering, but about realizing. Because I'm sure didn't think about that before.


I could be wrong, but I recall Shan has said in the past that she dislikes history. Plus it may not have been as big a topic in Australian schools as opposed to American schools. But i agree, still a little bit baffling


She doesn’t like politics or history in her shows. It’s in my best experience that people who hate politics in shows aren’t very knowledgeable at history to begin with. Some people just tune out at the thought of historical events. Shan is one of them. I mean you’re talking about someone who hates the Wild West and finds old movies hard to watch because of the grainy quality lol. Cut her some slack and don’t be so rude


I didn’t even see it that way and it’s just struck a light bulb in my head about your comment on Maxwell Lord. Now that I think of it had they stayed on CBS and continued filming in LA they may have used Max and Alex’s relationship as a jumpstart to her become a queer character and honestly I think Shan would have hated that even more since she seems to really like the idea of Max and Alex as a couple

Brandon Wiesner

You know that commenting the way you do, with overwhelming condescension, isn't going to get Shan to say oh I should get on replying to him. It's only going to make her say "well that's rude" and move on. In fact, the more you comment, the more she's going to just look at your name and/or avatar and roll her eyes. Try being civil. If this was YouTube, you would have likely been blocked and banned by now.


I love the start of this eps. Kara drunk I just wish we saw her attempted to fly that would have been hilarious Mon-El at the end, he was tried to be kind and that's what happens.


Chyler Leigh absolutely broke my heart in this episode. She is a completely underrated actress. I felt her coming out an subsequent heart ache was spot-on. I'm not gay, but I understand the feeling of admitting out loud our deepest secrets we keep from ourselves. Her explaining memories she'd forgotten was so realistic...she's trying to rationalize who she is this late in life, and it's a cathartic moment for her. Love her performance in this episode and this season.

David Brown

Shan, Guardian is a role that has been filled by a few different characters in the comics. Jim Harper, Mal Duncan, and Jake Jordan. Since more than one person has taken on that mantle in the comics, who's to say you can't add one more name to that list? Colonel Jim Harper was in Season 1 Episode17: "Manhunter". He tried to take J'onn to Cadmus. Though he wasn't Guardian in that appearance. - "Two years? This alien is over 300 years old. Two years is like a coffee break to him".


Although it is so far past when this episode was uploaded that it is probably pointless now, I still just felt I had to add my personal experience to the other comments that have been made about Alex's coming out story. As a bisexual/pansexual man (I am okay with either term), I have definitely had the experience of coming to realize later that feelings I had earlier in my life were same sex attractions which I did not understand that way at the time. So like many others in the comments, I feel this was actually an extremely realistic aspect to the story. The one thing that I don't like is that the writers, and the characters in the show, immediately jump to Alex being gay, when it is entirely possible that she is bi. This would mean that she could have been attracted to Max Lord last season (although I have to admit, I don't really see the chemistry or attraction the way Shan seems to) and also be attracted to Maggie now. This definitely feels like bi erasure to me, keeping in mind that I am writing this comment just after the scene when Alex first comes out to Kara, so I may be forgetting them acknowledging that she could be bi later in the episode, or even in later episodes. I hope this is the case.


On another note, it is one thing to not want to be a hero, it's another thing to work as paid muscle for a bookie, which is extremely criminal!