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James jackson

I see it (the Bonnie thing) in an opposite light. The things Bonnie Bennet has done for her friends; dying (a couple of times) raised them all from the dead, gave her life for elena's brother, all the times she nearly killed herself to save everyone. She earned the right to make at least 1 selfish choice.

Cameron Ferguson

Okay so here's the thing lol I agree with you with everything for the most part, HOWEVER, I think Bonnie's whole point was that Enzo doesn't have anyone fighting for him. Sure that's mostly by his own accord, but Damon gave up to Sybil immediately when he saw Hell when this entire time Enzo has been trying to fight to feed them info and was even the one to help them find out she was a Siren. Stefan was always gonna fight to save Damon, therefore Caroline would fight to save Damon, but nobody would fight to save Enzo. So her decision, although it was a selfish one, made sense to me.

Cameron Ferguson

But then on the OTHER hand, the writing this season has been very out of character for almost everyone lol so I've been super annoyed with that. I already watched this season (NO SPOILERS) but I'm happy to see that you were getting annoyed the same times I was when I first watched it lol.

Zach Hershman

A vast majority of the people in the world would choose the person they love over their "best friend". I'm not even sure I would classify those two as best friends. She is closer with Caroline and Elena. Damon is closer with Alaric. You wouldn't have questioned it if Damon chose Elena over Bonnie. You would have supported him. And no. Damon hasn't chosen Bonnie over Elena by letting Bonnie live right now. He hasn't had to choose because he can have both. The perk of being able to live forever.


Im pretty sure I explained the difference there. Damon has known elena for much longer than bonnie so that would make more sense. Bonnie has known and been with enzo for not nearly as long as shes had a bond and known Damon. Completely different scenarios

Zach Hershman

You did explain your position. I just happen to disagree with it. Us as the audience haven't had much time to get fully on board with their relationship, but you have to admit that three years together is enough time to build a bond. A three year bond with the person you love will make you do anything for them. In real life a person in Bonnie's position would probably choose him over anyone else. The only people that it may have been a question about are her grandma and father (probably not him) and they are dead. That's how strong that bond is.

Fly on the Wall

Are you really trying to say Damon and Alaric are still close? Do you not remember Alaric telling Damon to piss off in season 7 and that he'd have better luck reuniting with Bonnie? The show has also had Bonnie say Damon is her best friend on numerous occasions and vice versa. As for the lover or friend comment, I don't entirely disagree, but I will say Damon is 100% choosing Bonnie over Elena. He isn't just restraining from killing her, he went completely out of his way to save her life last season when she was dying without it being in any way shape or form Damon's fault or responsibility. He didn't have to go so far out of his way to make deals with the armory and Rayna Cruz to get her a second supernatural life.


"irrational" as if Damon didn't 1. kill Jeremy the episode before 2. tried to kill Caroline 3. compelled the guy which led to him getting injured and bloody in the first place. So yeah... Also, unspelling the device saved countless lives, what are you even talking about :D


Actually you're forgetting the time skip - 3 years in which Damon wasn't in the equation and she's been with Enzo. So technically, Bonnie has been with Enzo longer than she's been friends with Damon

Fly on the Wall

Damon compelled the guy to pick a fight with Tyler to figure out what Mason was hiding. That had zero to do with Caroline nor was that an excuse for Care to kill him. You cannot in anyway rationalize Bonnie trying light Damon on fire because Caroline lost control of her vampire instinct. Every character in the show has done terrible things doesn’t mean Bonnie gets to lie to her best friend about unspelling a device that puts all of Elena’s friends in danger and ACTUALLY gets Anna killed unlike Jeremy whom was wearing his daylight ring and Elena forgave so Bonnie doesn’t need to hold Damon’s feet to the fire for something the affected party isn’t still holding onto. No, Bonnie hated Damon because she hated vampires in general and she projected that hatred of all vampires and focused it on Damon since he was the first “bad” vampire she had contact with and didn’t let go of it even when there were other vampires causing the problem or bigger things to worry about or Damon changing his ways or what have you. All I’m saying is it is within her character to blame Damon like this and we don’t need to hate her for it because she will come back around and forgive Damon. She’s just picking Enzo because that’s what she needs to do in the moment and I’m not blaming Bonnie for it.

Fly on the Wall

Damon compelled the guy to pick a fight with Tyler to figure out what Mason was hiding. That had zero to do with Caroline nor was that an excuse for Care to kill him. You cannot in anyway rationalize Bonnie trying light Damon on fire because Caroline lost control of her vampire instinct. Every character in the show has done terrible things doesn’t mean Bonnie gets to low to her best friend about unspell a device that puts all of Elena’s friends in danger and ACTUALLY gets Anna killed unlike Jeremy whom was wearing his daylight ring and Elena forgave so Bonnie doesn’t need to hold Damon’s feet to the fire for something the affected party isn’t still holding onto. No, Bonnie hated Damon because she hated vampires in general and she projected that hatred of all vampires and focused it on Damon since he was the first “bad” vampire she had contact with and didn’t let go of it even when there were other vampires causing the problem or bigger things to worry about or Damon changing his ways or what have you. All I’m saying is it is within her character to blame Damon like this and we don’t need to hate her for it because she will come back around and forgive Damon. She’s just picking Enzo because that’s what she needs to do in the moment and I’m not blaming Bonnie for it.

Fly on the Wall

Man, this Patreon app is whack. I replied to the wrong comment and then when I tried to delete it it deleted the wrong message.