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Imagine Baggins

I’m just now realizing that with what happened in Endgame, there might be a branch-timeline Whitney Frost who was never stopped and continued to run the Council of Nine. After all, if Steve returned to Peggy within three years of him leaving, Peggy would have never encountered the Isodyne case. I really hope Madam Masque shows up in the Loki show.


Also, that might mean in that timeline Whitney never shot Anna, meaning her and Jarvis maybe did have a kid, one who who grew up to be something like a big brother, or big sister, to Tony.

Sean Ellingham

I recall reading some time after Agent Carter was cancelled that the showrunners intended to reveal that the guy who shot Thompson was Peggy's brother Michael, having faked his death and been recruited for something shady - certainly would have been an interesting storyline! There's also a connection with Agents of SHIELD - the symbol for the Arena Club is one of the ancient Hydra logos we see connected to Gideon Malick and the Monolith in season three, implying the Council of Nine is affiliated with or part of Hydra. Finally, I don't think it's ever been confirmed by anyone in power, but it's a common belief (or hope!) that Sousa ends up being the husband Peggy mentioned in the film shown in Winter Soldier.


My 'End game' fantasy is season 3 Agent Carter with Steve Rodgers in the back ground...totally comedian like...P.S. Please do Agent Carter v Agents of Shield Dub-smash compilation...Because A, It's funny, and B, it adds to your repertoire...see what I did there?


The theory is the assassin is somewhat tied into her brother, Michael. If you remember, the file Vernon had Thompson dig up was in a S.O.E. folder about a M. Carter. I think the showrunners were trying to setup a possible her brother was alive this whole time and is going to be sort of a Winter Soldier type of villain ala Bucky in season 3.