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Brendan O'Connor

Hunter Zolomon, when I heard his name in episode 11 of this season I knew something was up. Very different from his comic counterpart, but I think I like the show’s version better.


When The Flash disappears to Supergirl’s earth, you can hear the Supergirl theme music in the background


You can’t lock up the darkness Shan. Zoom can do anything he sets his mind to

Brent Justice

Once Sisko opened the portal it remains open, it's in an open state now, Zoom can access it via his speed. So basically it was closed before, but Sisko opened it, and it stays open (you just can't see it) that's how he travels back and forth now, whereas he couldn't before

David Brown

It's Cisco, not Sisko. He's not a member of Starfleet or The Emissary of Bajor.

Jason Veevaert

Barry, maybe if you caged or killed zoom right when you trapped him, you wouldn't have lost him!