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“Make it a good one “


One of my all time fav movies and a total classic. Great pick! Looking forward to this reaction! :)

Paul Gibson

Old movie!! I'm triggered already!

Jason Veevaert

They asked me to build them a bomb (ugh) Morty! But I built a time machine instead Morty! We’re gonna go back in time so you can mess with your idiot dad m m Morty!

Scarlett Monrow

1) Are you going to react for parts 2 and 3? They are really good! 2) Did you noticed that the scene in the diner between Marty and George is very similar to scene in SPN 4x03 when Dean meets John. And the "Back in time" song when Marty wakes up at the end - that's what played on Wednesday in SPN Mystery Spot.


They never address it, but...tfw you realize that your youngest son is starting look an awful lot like that guy you and your wife knew back in high school.


Oh, this one is so fun. You hadn't seen this one, Shan?


As a film that wasnt planned as part of a trilogy, (the end part just being a cute bit), the three BTTF films still might well be the best functioning trilogy of films out there.


I like how the Mall changes name from Twin Pines to Lone Pine after he runs one over

Chris (darkwater)

Shan you have not seen this movie!? *downloadnow!downloadnow!*


So I loved this movie when I was a kid, I used to get my mum to rent it every week from the local video rental shop... I rented it so much that one day when trying to rent it out the owner just told me to keep it as noone else could ever rent it because i always had it. I still have the VHS tape.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Best Trilogy ever... most ppl prefer 2, and it is great, but personally my fave is 3... not 100% sure why, but it is. Love that we get to see you react to all 3 movies from what Tony says... "It's getting picked again"... nice choice dude😉


The way I tell them apart; DeLorean is used to smuggle cocaine; Mandalorian just has a dude inside. :)


Since you asked; The first time travel movie was "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court", 1921 (80 minutes, silent). Based on the Mark Twain story. It was remade in 1931 with Will Rogers, and 1948 with Bing Crosby. There's some other versions.

Jarrod Wild

I enjoy 3 the most also. Maybe just because it felt the most original in spite of the joke retreads from the first two.


We've grown so old we live in the future...except there's no cool flying cars.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I absolutely love this movie and its sequels. So, thank you so much for watching and reacting to it, allowing for me to watch it again with you. I love both Marty and Doc of course. They're hilarious. But I also love George McFly from 1955. He was so cute and sweet, and strange, but lovable. :) As for George hiring Biff to work for him in the end, instead of Biff being arrested and in jail like he really should have been... First, it's mostly meant to show us the difference in their characters from how they were with one another in the beginning, to how they were with one another in the end, to help add to just how much George's life has changed for the better upon becoming brave to stand up to Biff, and how much Biff's life changed somewhat for the worse upon being shown up by the school's biggest nerd. In a way... it's poetic justice to see them become the polar opposites of one another. And second... if you look at it as you have and see it as George hiring the man who sexually assaulted his wife, then I feel that Biff's personality changed so much to the point that he came to respect George and want to be his and Loraine's friend, and maybe he was just so worried about being punched out again or worse, that Biff wanted to do everything for George so he wouldn't be bullied like he bullied George. I agree it seems strange that they would have any kind of relationship with the man who sexually assaulted Loraine. Nowadays, it so wouldn't be the case. People today are so easily offended. Don't get me wrong... what Biff did to Loraine and to George is terrible and despicable. And he definitely deserved to be in prison for the rest of his life. I am not condoning him in any way, shape, or form. But I think that in those days, people were for the most part more forgiving and kinder towards one another. It was simply a different time in the world. My favorite moments are both times when Marty and Doc work together to get the car ready for time travel, and seeing Marty travel through time both in the beginning and in the end. I also absolutely love seeing George render Biff unconscious in order to save Loraine. And then that kiss... I absolutely love the moment when Marty is fading away and pleads with George to find the courage one more time to kiss his mother, and then George knocks the second bully down and both he and Loraine kiss. So beautiful. So much is riding on that kiss between them, and it was absolutely perfect. :) I truly hope that you will watch Back to the Future 2 and 3 as well, whether people request these movies or not. They are so good and just so much fun. :) These movies are among some of my favorite movies and I just love them. Christopher Lloyd is the perfect mad scientist and just so amazing. And Michael J. Fox was phenomenal in this movie. I love them!!! Thank you so much again! I look forward to many more movie reactions, as well as Once Upon a Time reactions from you!!! Until next time...

Brent Justice

Please watch Back to the Future 2 and 3, it's worth it.


I first saw this movie with my 3 best friends for my 9th birthday at the cinema in January 1986...God I wish I had a DeLorean to go back. 😢

Brent Justice

I watched this entire video, please please please watch Back to the future 2 and 3, they are so awesome, and very worth it, please please please!


I love this movie a lot. I think 2 is better and i used to like but after watching it so many times I realized I don’t like 3 a lot; however, it’s a solid watch for ur first time with it

Paul Fisher

My favorite is the Bing Crosby version of "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court." Second only to Twain's original story.

Steve Quast

I was a kid when I first saw this movie in the 80's. I remember having to wait 3 years for the sequel, which at the time seemed like an eternity. This movie is the reason for the meme that we should have had flying cars by 2015.

Brent Justice

One of the things that threw me off from your reaction was the question if Plutonium exists in real life. This makes me wonder about your education.

Jon Dub

Dont be mean man. Not all 25 year old women are versed in Nuclear fission. No need to be an asshole about it

Nancy Nicolai

Actually Delorean was a real dude who designed a car named after himself than it was used to smuggle cocaine I guess it had really good hiding places ; Mandalorian is a fictional character under a helmet🤨


I only saw the 3rd one in cinemas, but my grandma and grandpa took me, and it was the best. I remember it vividly.

David Brown

Shan, please watch Back to the Future, Parts 2 and 3. The Back to the Future Trilogy is one of the pop culture reference jokes they occasionally make on The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow. After watching The Trilogy, you'll better appreciate those jokes when they make them.

Nate Prouty

Wow, so funny you reference your reaction to "The Matrix" at the beginning... I'm starting this RIGHT after having finished watching that reaction. Also, the BTTF trilogy is my favorite movie series of all time.