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Lina Krouford

I hope you're okay, Shan...

Brendan O'Connor

Your rant at the end was pretty much how the fandom felt 3 and a half years ago. *sending virtual hug*

Andreas Froby

Really hope you would not watch this much Arrow this week so you would not have to this Episode Christmas week :( Huge from Sweden. Will watch reaction later tonight


Oh boy, I thought we had another week until this...

Tammy L. Faulkner

I cried, but I got over it REALLY fast. In fact, I don't even miss Laurel a teeny tiny bit.


All of us: Shan, just keep pushing through. It’s just a bad season Shan: Don’t worry it’s fine All of us: Right but if you get to an episode that makes you wanna quit just keep pushing Shan: Yeah it’s tough but I’m not gonna quit *Watches Arrow 4x18* Shan: Alright imma head out

Lina Krouford

I knew it was going to happen. Shan didn't know how really bad this season was. Bad bad.


Honesty never was upset by this death. Her character never did anything for me. I always preferred Sara.

Jon Dub

I was super pissed when this aired, I was a hairs breath away from dumping the show. fucking stupid!


Sounds a bit harsh but honestly I was thrilled when Laurel died. With the way her character was handled in this show, she was making it worse. Not so much near the end, like the last few episodes, but ultimately they didn’t give her anything to do and had her make boneheaded decisions like all the ones regarding bringing Sara back. She just acted like an idiot on so many occasions, it was dragging the show down. Shame this happened to the character. This season is such a fucking ride, it’s comical. So much weird shit.


What the hell I had stop watched this show during this season, but what the hell. Laurel was the best of them. I don't know if I can go on any more with this but i'll tried. Laurel need a better ending than that and her poor father, Lance didn't get to say goodbye. I'm so pissed off. Damien needs to die, slowly.


This is going to sound cruel, but I was really happy when Laurel got killed off. I was never a fan of the comics, and the only version of GA and BC I'd been exposed to before was the Smallville versions, so I had no idea what she was supposed to be like in those, but in Arrow, she'd always behaved annoyingly and selfishly. In season 1 she was treated like she walked on water by all the other characters because she was helping victims of the criminals Oliver was fighting, but was constantly flip-flopping on whether or not to trust the Arrow, continued to pursue a relationship with Oliver when she was still with Tommy, got over Tommy really quickly after their breakup, and then actively ignored warnings and went into the Glades when it was about to be destroyed in order to save case files. In season 2 she blamed the Arrow for Tommy's death, leading her to actively interfere in his life-saving work multiple times, started drinking and pill-popping because she was feeling isolated (because she'd isolated herself), leading to her accusations against Blood to be ignored even by her, even though there was way more evidence to support the idea Blood was bad then just what she had said, and she was a huge bitch to everyone after Sarah came back because she felt like Sarah had taken everything good from her life. In season 3, she hid the fact that Sarah had died from Lance, actively went against Oliver's wishes more than enough times for his reluctance to train her to make sense, and just did a shitty job in general of getting training (when Bobcat refused to train her further, she could have easily taken up some martial arts classes or something with someone else) and later did a shitty job in general of being a vigilante. Finally, in season 4, she hides the fact that she brought Sarah back with the Lazarus pit from Oliver and did nothing to look for ways to fix Sarah and kept assuming she would just get better even though everyone told her that using the Lazarus Pit was a terrible idea, then spent the rest of the season doing very little to affect the plot in any way until the last few episodes before her death. Now, you are right that they handled her death terribly, the scenes are just generally terrible, and the dialogue is super full of death flags this episode, but the episode itself is a necessary "Oh shit" moment, one that we hadn't had since Moira died, and one that is necessary for Damien Darhk to remain threatening after the setbacks he faces in the episodes prior, and it provides a lot of emotional punch to future events in Arrow and the other shows *cough* *cough* I wonder how Sarah will handle this news while living in a TIME MACHINE *cough*. TLDR: Laurel was an uninteresting character at best, and a major source of problems for other characters at worst, and as much as killing her may offend you, it was ultimately a great move for the story in the long run.


I totally saw the Laurel thing coming. All the moments with her and you may have forgot in the moment about the scenes with Barry at the grave and the mystery of who it was and it said six months later which was when this episode was.


when it comes to the dying from an arrow when others don't die from arrow or bullets just like real life sometimes it just depends on where you are hit, how much damage and if there are complications after surgery which can be random. this was an embolism which is a blood clot which can happen after surgery unexpectedly.