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And here starts the meme that's been used to death where everytime we have a masked villain that shows up and we don't know his/her true identity, people joke that its jay garrick under the mask #I'MJAYGARRICK


Shan, now that you've seen King Shark in action, I wanna hear your personal opinion on a question that people have asked since this episode: who would you rather win in a fight? Grodd or King Shark?

Zach Hershman

Bruce is the shark in Finding Nemo. The guard was just giving him a nickname.


Finding Nemo was a nod to the original Bruce, the Shark in Jaws.

Brendan O'Connor

“I have so many questions!” We all did Shan, we all did

Tom Tattershall

I loved all the references to "Jaws" (1975) starting with the guard calling King Shark "Bruce" which started as a nickname the film crew called the robotic shark used in the movie. There were at least 5 more references to the movie in this episode. Shan was talking when Cisco said "We're going to need a bigger Flash" which was another reference -"a bigger boat" in the movie.

Dominic D

Cait grieved Ronnie for most of Season 1. She likely grieved for the 6 months between S1 and S2, we know she left STAR Labs because of it. The second time would probably be easier than the first because people can more easily process emotions they have already experienced. She cared onscreen and she cared offscreen, would we want her character to be exclusively built around being sad about Ronnie?


Bruce is the nickname Steven Spielberg gave the shark from his 1975 film Jaws.

Tammy L. Faulkner

😆 I knew your REACTION at the end and said it at EXACTLY the same time you did 😆 OMG that was funny.

Patrick - Excelsior

Yeah, I think the entire Flash watching world said the exact same thing, "What?... Huh? ... What? ... Huh? Although I admit you asking the Jay Garrick pop doll "Is there something you're not telling me?" was new (and adorably funny).

Brandon Wiesner

Maybe read the other comments before posting? This has been covered twice already above.


Bruce like from Nemo bruce the vegetarian shark