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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you for another great reaction!! I really enjoyed this episode a lot and your reaction was a lot of fun. I'm so, so happy that you continue to love and appreciate the beauty, these beloved characters, and the quality writing and directions that make up this show. Thank you for that. It means the world to me that you can appreciate Once Upon a Time as I do. First, I have to say... the backstory in this episode is important in regards to who Abigail is and how it is that Charming was able to continue to run off to find Snow, and this episode has most definitely changed my perspective of Princess Abigail and Kathryn. And much to my surprise, I actually really came to like her a lot more than I ever thought I could. Kathryn was okay, but until this point I hated Abigail. But now, I really like both Abigail and Kathryn. This episode also made me feel so bad for Abigail, and especially for Kathryn. Yes... David is absolutely in the wrong throughout this episode, even though in his mind, he's trying to spare poor Kathryn's feelings. And not only does he wind up hurting her, but he also winds up hurting Mary Margaret and himself as well. This is why their relationship is destructive. Because it hurt three people and turned everyone in town against David and especially Mary Margaret. Now, everyone sees her as a homewrecker, or tramp. However, David isn't completely the only one at fault in this situation either. I mean... Mary Margaret knew that it was wrong to have an affair with David, especially given that Emma has warned her time and time again to stay away from him so long as David remains with Kathryn. Yet she continued to stay with him anyways until now. This is part of what sets Mary Margaret and Snow White apart... Snow never would have made this mistake. Like Charming, she's honorable and good. As Mary Margaret, she's not so brave and she's also very naive. Snow isn't. Now... I really love the backstory with Abigail and Charming as they work together to bring Frederick back from having been turned to gold because of King Midas' curse. In the legends of King Midas, it is told that Midas coveted gold and wished to be the wealthiest man he ever knew. One day, he was granted the gift to be able to turn anything he touched into gold so that he could have all the gold he wanted. However, this gift soon became a curse to him, when one night he accidentally touched his daughter with his bare hand that had been touched with the power to turn all into gold, and she too was turned to gold. Midas mourned for her upon losing her to his wretched curse and she was never saved. This episode is Once Upon a Time's twist on the tales of King Midas, making it about Abigail instead of her father upon the man she loved being turned to gold protecting Midas in battle instead. And I really love the cleverness of this idea and the new story behind it. I love that Abigail helped Charming to escape from King George and his knights, then the revelation is revealed that she's been so cold towards him because she's in love with another like he's in love with Snow. And I love how she helps Charming to escape so that he can find his True Love. I love the story revealing what happened to Frederick and then seeing Abigail and Charming fight to free him from his curse as Charming offers to help her save him. I really like Frederick's backstory with him having sacrificed himself to save King Midas from danger, and how he's accidentally turned to gold in doing so. He's a true hero and I am just so happy that Charming is successful in helping Abigail to save him so they too can be together again. This brings me to Charming coming face to face with a siren who lives within the waters of Lake Nostos. A siren who seeks to drown another victim as she's done with so many other victims. In most mythologies... sirens are specifically known for living within the seas, but Lake Nostos is a very powerful lake with magical properties. And in the fairytale world, things are quite different. But when the siren is unable to lure Charming to his death in her true form, she then takes on the form of Snow White and while Charming absolutely struggles against her luring, he still succeeds in killing her and at last brings the waters to Abigail to save Frederick. I really enjoy it. Now to the storylines within Storybrooke... First, in regards to Regina being angry about the letter in the end... Regina is certainly livid, but I feel like at this point, she has most likely been taking time to come up with a plan on how to pull them apart again. However, David's mistakes has certainly sped things up quite a bit, causing Kathryn to leave Storybrooke to go to Boston. As for the letter... Kathryn tells Regina that she left this letter for David, to graciously tell him she hopes he and Mary Margaret will be happy together. And because Regina wants to do everything to keep David and Mary Margaret apart, she is angry upon learning about it and breaks into David's and Kathryn's apartment with her skeleton keys she has for everyone's homes and other places throughout the town to steal it, then later burns the letter to keep David and Mary Margaret from ever seeing it. Oh... and in regards to Regina's name... She is referred to most people in the Enchanted Forest as the Evil Queen, or Your Majesty. However, just like it is in Storybrooke, her name actually is Regina. She kept her name in the real world too. As the person who cast the curse and was never affected by it like everyone else, she was able to do so. Next... in the real world, Frederick is a gym teacher, and sadly we don't ever learn anything more about him in this episode. I feel like this was a missed opportunity, because I would have loved to get to know his Storybrooke counterpart a little too. I really like the end moment between Mary Margaret and Emma, when Emma stays with Mary Margaret to comfort her after everything happened. It's so sad and I feel so bad for Mary Margaret. Kathryn too because she was most definitely hurt. But Mary Margaret is just crushed and she's lost more than just the man she loves. She's lost her reputation and everyone's friendship too. It's so sad. I also love the brief moment between Mary Margaret in the beginning too, when they're talking in Granny's about Emma already being on to Mary Margaret and David. So cute. :) And lastly... my favorite moments within this episode were learning more about the mysterious stranger, who we now have learned his name is August. August W. Booth and that the W. stands for Wayne. Honestly, I do not know the significance of his name and never really have, even though I have since learned there is a significance to it except that it is supposedly the same name as a famous author. You would have to look up the historical figure name August W. Booth to find out, but if you do, please just be careful not to look up August from this show, or you will be spoiled. And trust me... you don't want to be spoiled. :) But I am happy to have learned his name finally. And I like it. I also love that he's continuing to be so mysterious, as we see him doing something with the storybook, appearing to restitch the seam and putting the pages back in after having pulling them out. Why? And I love, love, love the moment between him and Emma after August takes her to the well in the woods and talks with her about the magical properties water can have, as well as the legend behind this well having magical waters with the ability to restore that which was once lost. Just like Frederick was until Charming used the waters from Lake Nostos to revive him. August tells Emma that the waters within the well and running beneath it is told to have magical properties, indicating possibly that the waters from Lake Nostos may have reached over into Storybrooke from the Enchanted Forest. :) I love the parallels within this episode. As for August's feelings towards Emma... I don't see any kind of attraction in him for Emma. Not in a romantic sort of way that is. I never have. It was Emma who assumed he was asking her out, and August simply stated that they could call it a date if that's what she wanted to believe. But there is definitely something between them, that is more of a closely knit friendship. As for whether or not Henry has any love or feelings at all towards Regina... I think he does. It's just that right now, he's really struggling with the fact that he's figured out his mother is really the Evil Queen and that she will stop at nothing to tear everyone apart and to destroy those he loves. He's angry with her. Overall... I really enjoy this episode, and I had a lot of fun watching your reaction for it. My only real upset was David not appearing as Charming and doing the right thing, because Charming is one of my favorite characters introduced into the show that you've seen so far. It hurts to see a character I love so much appear so weak, when he's not truly like that. However, all of this that's happened between David, Mary Margaret, and Kathryn has had to happen for what's to come. And boy... things are heating up. So, thank you so much! I can't wait for more!!! I look forward to more reactions to come! :) Until next time...


And in this reaction we learn that, without Tahney in the room, ASR falls under the spell of the evil queen. Protect thy mistress, sweet canine. 🐶

Talon Karrde

My interpretation is that Charming lost his honor as the thing he lost in the curse. Thats why david is so... david

Tammy L. Faulkner

Yet again... What Heidi says 😆 She got it ALL covered like always👍

Tammy L. Faulkner

...btw... Did you notice that red spray paint can in Reginas desk? Who else would spey TRAMP on Snow Whites car but the the Evil Queen🙈🙉🙊

Sara Neal

I do understand that it’s not ok to cheat, but it also kind of shows how the curse is working double time to make sure snow and Prince Charming aren’t together. He has all of these fake memories and fake love from the curse, but true love is so powerful that it’s causing a mess.


I kind of disagree about it not being Regina's place to tell Kathryn. If someone is being cheated on, they deserve to know. If you discover that someone is cheating, you should give them the chance to come clean first, but if they refuse or fail to do it, I feel like it's your responsibility to tell the person they're cheating on. Like, I get staying out of people's personal affairs, but cheating is just different to me. If you know someone's having an affair and you're keeping it a secret, you're indirectly hurting the person who's being cheated on, and I don't think that's okay.