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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/33segekbemo6r4o/Arrow%20S04E09%20-%20Dark%20Waters%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Jon Dub

See this is why we dont let reactors in on what seasons are not so good. Because once they know, they over analyse and focus on all the negatives. Pausing every 5 seconds to point out something's amiss. Bah, spoiler mongers!! Not saying all of it was down to that, but I think it definitely, even unconsciously has coloured Shan's opinion here.


True but based on her reactions to other shows and previous arrow seasons, i think she would have come to most of the same conclusions she has come to even if she wasn’t spoiled


I biggest disappointment of the episode is that we didn't see oliver FIGHT THE SHARK!!! I would've payed money to see that. Also #MAGICNAZICORN

Brandon Wiesner

I don't think that was a fight really. More like the shark bit him and that was the end of it. That's how it normally happens. They're not looking to eat people. They are just testing us to see if we taste good.