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Fly on the Wall

I didn’t think we’d still get these as well. I almost forgot we were back to the normal day! Hallelujah. :)


I can't blame you. Nora was always my favorite of the heretics too. I think its because she's got a rebekah-like sass and has more personality than most of them. I also liked her chemistry with bonnie this episode and if we're still on the subject of unfulfilled ships at this point of the franchise from your reactions to the originals yesterday , nora and bonnie would be one of them since the flashfowards already spoiled that bonnie ends up with enzo in 3 years


lol Damon could kill babies, dogs and old women for no reason and she would probably say that the were looking at him wrong not his fault. No hate tho i am the same way with Klaus and Rebekah


Yes the snowflake has happened before, for sure season 4's midseason finale after Klaus killed Tyler's mom. I'd have to check other Christmas episodes but I know that one for sure had the snowflake on the end title card.


Agree with everything. I love Nora, she's my fave for the same reason. She feels like a fully realized character with a lot of attitude. And I did ship Bonnie x Nora, though Bonnie x Enzo got me, too :D


Can Bonnie ever catch a break.