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This was part of a TVDverse week!

The last day of TVDverse week. Because of how successful it was, I'm going to give you guys a chance for FOUR episodes (including this one) today!

(IF 15+ hearts on this 3x06 will be posted today!)  



Fly on the Wall

Four video finale! You’re the best!

Fly on the Wall

See, this is the perfect example of where you can love a character and still comment on their wrong doings. I love Elijah and Damon to pieces, but they're not perfect. What Elijah did here to Klaus and Aurora is indefensible and I would hold no ill will towards Klaus if it took him a long time to forgive his brother. This was an incredible breach of their trust and the fact Elijah never talked about it again or tried to rectify it afterwards only makes it worse.


You say that Elijah didn't know about Klaus killing their mother, but remember, we never saw Elijah finding out. We saw how upset Rebekah was over it, but when Elijah found out, we didn't even get to see his reaction. We saw Klaus telling Elijah there were secrets he needed to tell him about the death of their mother, then they were having a dinner party with Damon and Stefan and when Stefan asked about why Klaus has Rebekah still daggered (kind of indirectly threatening to tell Elijah about Klaus killing Esther) Klaus said that he's already told Elijah everything. And Elijah seemed more or less OK with it. I mean, he still had issues with Klaus at the time, but based on his lack or reaction to the news, I can easily believe he already knew the truth but had never told Klaus that he knew.

Fly on the Wall

I'd have to go back and watch the reveal, but I believe it was a bigger plot point that Rebekah found out and turned on Klaus. I don't really remember Elijah's reaction. Whatever it was could have been faked. My biggest grievance is having Elijah be responsible for something so reprehensible. I get that he just found out his mother was killed by his brother and the compulsion wasn't a learned act yet, but couldn't he have told Klaus at some point or tried to undo the damage he caused? That said, I do agree with what Elijah said. Elijah is 100% in the wrong in this fight, but I don't like how Klaus tries to pass blame for his evil actions and pins them all on Elijah for this, his poor indiscretions. They both are responsible for their own choices and they are both in need of recognizing their own personal demons. Elijah needs to burn down that red door and stop pushing off his own self reflection as he said Klaus needs to. They both need to start accepting and move forward.

Fly on the Wall

I was typing my comment when you posted this. Thanks for clearing that up. I was just saying I didn't remember Elijah's reaction, only Rebekah's. So that lines up. Elijah probably faked a reaction when Klaus told him and they simply moved on.


I agree with you, they're both acting a little childish. Ironic, considering they're the oldest vampires in the world. You have to contrast this with Damon in Blood Brothers -- even though he still had a lot of resentment towards Stefan for forcing him to turn, Damon went out of his way to insist that his actions were his own and that Stefan wasn't allowed to feel his guilt. It's hard to imagine ever saying Damon could give anyone lessons in maturity, but in this case, Klaus could have learned something from Damon.


Not that it really matters, but they didn't spell perfume wrong, "parfum" is the french spelling and the shop has a french name.