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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yay!! Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction for one of my favorite episodes from season one of Once Upon a Time!!! You'll find that Once Upon a Time puts its own twists and interpretations on every fairytale you know and love, and they are all so unique and beautiful. It's fabulous!! I absolutely love this episode so much because it's so centered around Snow White and Prince Charming, who are easily one of my favorite couples throughout this series. Snow and Charming do have beautiful chemistry together, and it's easy to see that the actors who play them are falling in love with one another too. Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas get married sometime while they're filming season two because they fell in love since they began filming season one and this episode really shows how good they are together. So beautiful and wonderful!! :) Now... I love both storylines taking place... the present within Storybrooke and the past within the Enchanted Forest. The parallels that connect the two storylines are phenomenal, and they're both just a lot of fun. First... poor Mary Margaret is on a date that's clearly going nowhere and Dr. Whale is clearly not into Mary Margaret at all. And sadly, she catches him even looking at Ruby inappropriately too, which makes for her night to be even more miserable. Then, Mary Margaret leaves and finds Emma in her car searching for an apartment to live in upon deciding she wants to stay in Storybrooke more permanently. And yet Emma can't find a place because there aren't any apartments vacant, and no one including Granny is willing to give her a room because of Regina. However, Mary Margaret isn't afraid to go against her any longer and she offers Emma the spare room in her apartment, But Emma refuses her at first, stating that she's not really comfortable with having a roommate, although I suspect it has more to do with Henry's belief that Mary Margaret is really Snow White and supposedly her mother. Yes... Emma has been searching for her parents her whole life, but upon facing even the slightest possibility that she might have finally found them, it terrifies her. Next... Henry convinces Emma to help him bring Mary Margaret and the coma patient together because he believes they are one another's True Love's. Henry even points out that the scar on John Doe's cheek, is the same scar on Prince Charming's cheek shown in the pictures of Prince Charming in his storybook. A fun side note... the actor who plays Charming... Josh Dallas, actually has a scar there from an accident he got into when he was much younger, and so the creators had the writers write his scar into his character's storyline to add a bit more to his character. This is why Snow White hitting Charming across his jaw with a rock was so important to the past storyline. And it adds to the playful banter between him and Snow White, which I will get into more later... Back to the present storyline... Emma convinces Mary Margaret to read to John Doe, not because she believes Henry's beliefs, but because she thinks that if Mary Margaret were to try and nothing happened, it would help Henry to understand that these fairytales aren't real after all, without really hurting him. It's very clever, though devious too. So, Mary Margaret agrees and as she's reading Snow White's and Prince Charming's story to the coma patient, John Doe suddenly reaches out to grab her hand, though he still remains unconscious. However, her voice broke through his subconscious mind and now he's slowly begun to awaken. I love this about their storyline. It's really quite a beautiful part of their storyline. Unfortunately, Dr. Whale calls Regina to inform her that John Doe's begun to wake up. Whale isn't really a bad guy. He's just kind of a jerk. And like so many others throughout Storybrooke... like Henry's therapist Archie and Granny, Whale is afraid of what Regina could do to him should he not do as she asks of him. Everyone is afraid to go against Regina, aside from Mr. Gold and Henry, and now Emma and even Mary Margaret isn't afraid to stand up to her to a degree because of Emma. Now... when Emma, Henry, and Mary Margaret arrive at the hospital the next morning, they run into Sheriff Graham and find Regina standing over an empty bed because John Doe's disappeared. And so Graham and Emma lead Mary Margaret and later Henry on a search for John Doe through the woods upon discovering that he had awoken in the middle of the night and walked out into the woods on his own. When Henry arrives later, he claims that John Doe is out in the woods looking for Mary Margaret in his confusion upon hearing Mary Margaret reading the story of how Snow White and Prince Charming met and fell in love. In the past back in the pilot episode, Charming had fallen unconscious after being stabbed by the Evil Queen's guards and was in this state when the curse fell over him and everyone else. This is why Charming is in a coma within the present day storyline. And now because he was in his unconscious state when the curse fell over him, his cursed memories that the Evil Queen has cursed him with and his real memories are fighting for dominance within his mind. So while David (Prince Charming in Storybrooke) doesn't know who he really is, as in the end he states he has no memory of who he is, subconsciously he was trying to find something that felt familiar to him. Something that felt real to him and because Mary Margaret was reading their story to him when he had begun to awaken, and a small part of him barely remembered his true past, he really was seeking Snow White out, by searching for her at the troll bridge, which in Storybrooke is known only as the toll bridge. This is why he feels so drawn to Mary Margaret, despite having no memory of her. Now... they finally find David once again unconscious with his face within the water and nearly drowned. Graham and Emma carefully pull him from the water and then Mary Margaret immediately begins CPR. You may have felt it seemed strange that it seemed like Mary Margaret was kissing him more than giving him mouth to mouth, and you are right, but I feel that maybe she felt she was failing to save him and so I feel that she was pleading with him to live and subconsciously, her memory of kissing Charming back in the Enchanted Forest before the curse fell over them took over her and her instinct was to kiss him. And this time, her doing so was powerful enough to fully wake David up. While there's no magic in the real world, True Love's Kiss is the most powerful form of magic there is and it's powerful enough to break through into a magicless world. We have seen magic break through into this world before, back when Emma chose to stay in Storybrooke, which broke the time freeze allowing time to move forward again. Because Emma is the Savior destined to break the Evil Queen's curse. Unfortunately, when they get John Doe back to the hospital, Regina is there once again with the next part of her plan to keep Mary Margaret and David apart, as David's "wife" suddenly barges into the room and Regina exclaims some bogus story about how Kathryn is his wife, who didn't know David was here in a coma all this time, and that David was supposedly calling out for a Kathryn while in his coma at nights. And because Kathryn's as cursed as everyone else, she sadly believes this story to be the only truth she knows too. Regina will do whatever it takes to keep Snow White and Charming from being together. Regina i's very manipulative and devious. Now, back to the past storyline taking place within the Enchanted Forest... I love this storyline. I love Snow's and Charming's love story from the beginning. Not only do these actors have beautiful chemistry, but I also really love their banter back and forth from when Snow strikes Charming with the rock, to the end when he finally reveals to Snow his name is really James. Yes... Prince Charming has a real name. And I love that Charming is really Snow's pet name she uses for him, that starts out as a way to mock him, but ends as a term of endearment. It's quite beautiful and fun. In all of the fairytales of Snow White, including in the Disney movie, Prince Charming is the Prince's only name, but I love that Once Upon a Time makes it a term of endearment and a way to tease the Prince's character, rather than just keeping it as his only name. I love that he actually does have a real name like every one else. Once they save one another from the trolls on the troll bridge, Snow and Charming then have one final talk before he must return to the castle to meet up with his "soon to be fiancee" and Snow must take the money she took back from the trolls to buy herself passage out of the Enchanted Forest so she can find a safe place to hide from the Evil Queen. However, they share one final moment together as Charming shows her his mother's ring and Snow quickly takes it to put it on her own finger. And at that moment, Charming looks at her and realizes that love is possible. Then they both go their separate ways because the Prince has a duty to fulfill, while Snow must find a place to hide from the Evil Queen. However, because we see them together in the first two episodes and see them getting married in the pilot episode, we know that they wind up together again, and that in Storybrooke, Kathryn isn't really David's wife. She's only cursed to believe they're together. This explains how Mary Margaret has Charming's mother's ring on her finger, and why Kathryn has no real connection to David. I truly love this episode so much! It's so beautiful. And the fact that Ginnifer Goodwin (Snow White) and Josh Dallas (Prince Charming) are married in real life upon them falling in love during the filming of this first season. Their chemistry is beautiful and real. You can see they're in love in all of their scenes together and I love it!!! I can't wait for more! I'm so happy you're loving this show. So, until your next reaction... Thank you so much!


To your mentionings about coma. A real "coma" normally only lasts a few weeks, but the media put's "coma" and "vegetative state" in the same category. A real "coma" patient does not move, has no responses whatsoever. A person in a vegetative state can sometimes move, even open his eyes without realizing and so on, but is unaware of doing so.

Fly on the Wall

The whole you'll like a character by so and so comment is presumptuous to begin with. There are plenty of fan favorites I don't generally care for so who's to say you would like their favorite, anyway? I'm sure there are Matt fans out there, after all.


Fairy dust from a good fairy makes you fly. Snow's fairy dust was from a dark fairy. She said that, but you were talking.