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Signe (Seena) Stewart

Okay. I won't tell then. But I really like season 7. I will say that much.


"Nina Dobrev" decided to leave the show after season 6 of the Vampire Diaries so that is why they decided to put Elena in a coma, but Nina/Elena will be back for the very last episode of Season 8

Elisa Ingo

I think the last part of the above comment is the true spoiler.


she specifically said at the end of the video not to tell her anything. So i think it's best if you delete it unless she read it already.


This is a spoiler please delete it immediately. She has not read this and she has been told to not read any comments on here now because of this spoiler. DELETE IT


Thanks. I haven't seen season 7 and 8 and now I have been spoil so thanks for that.


Great reaction. I haven't seen anymore from this point. So see you in the next season.


Real stink of you to spoil that for any of these people watching it for the first time!


Enjoyed the reaction. Really liked the scene that alternated between Damon/Elena dancing and Stefan's list to Caroline.


What do people not understand about the term "NO SPOILERS"? Out of respect for the reactor (in this case Shan) and those who are watching these shows for the first time, along with her...DO NOT discuss anything about the show that goes above and beyond where the reactor is currently, on any of their posts about the show. Act as if it is your first time watching, and only discuss what has happened upto the end of the last episode that was posted...and, go no further.


wow this is a pretty big spoiler lol.


Delete your comment. You're going to spoil everything...

Fly on the Wall

What the fuck is this? Not only did she ask not to be told about Nina leaving or not, but that last part is a huge spoiler. Please delete this now.

Fly on the Wall

Same. I really loved season 7. Not sure if this counts as expectations, though, since some reactors do and some don't, though.

Nicolas Cardillo

Done sorry for that, just saw her Spider man far from home reaction n in it she comments about been sad he is not on the MCU since Disney n Sony fight, n since the comment I made about those characters had the same exposure n were publicly confirmed by there directors to fans n everyone new why this had happened.


Not really a spoiler, because everyone knew back then that she was out of the show and would come back later. i never said how, when and in what fashion she would be back in, a real spoiler would be if i said something about season 7 or 8, but sorry if you felt like this was a huge spoiler thingy


Everyone knowing back then does not mean Shannan knows now. Please delete it so I can tell her she can view the comments again. Stupid Patreon, soo wish they allowed moderators like YouTube so I could delete this myself.

Fly on the Wall

Oh my, I need to take a breather for a second. Regardless of what you think everyone knew, you specifically mentioned exactly when she comes back and that is most definitely a spoiler. It's also not your place to decide what she should already know. She specifically asked not to be told about Nina's status. She wanted to be surprised when she got to season 7. Please delete this immediately. @Adrian G, they don't allow mods? They should for exactly this purpose.


season 6 is one of my favorite seasons. its amazing what a good villain can do for a show. kai made the season so much better. as did the bonnie/damon prison world/budding friendship storyline.


If you really want to understand why so many of us are freaking out about this, you should check out her introduction to the episode of Buffy Season 5x05 "No Place Like Home" and listen to her, in her own words, discussing what she wants to know about these shows and how she wants to come about this knowledge.


Everyone knew back then but she clearly doesn't did you not get that from her reaction ? if she read you comment she now knows why and when so how is that not a spoiler.

Therese Larsen

Are you fucking retarded?? Watching her reaction - did you take it as that this was something she was aware of? NO! She was surprised. Regardless of what WE knew back then, SHE didn’t watch it back then. Like how hard is that to understand? Ffs...


This is absolutely a spoiler, and NOT everyone knew what was going to happen back then -- some people avoid reading anything about the show because they want to avoid spoilers. And regardless of what anyone knew back then, ASR clearly doesn't know anything about whether Nina was leaving and if/when she'd be back, so even if everyone else in the world knew the answers to those questions, you are still spoiling it for her. And you're also ruining this post for every other person commenting, because we have told ASR not to read any of the comments here as long as this MASSIVE SPOILER is still on this page.

Keith Engel

As well as the official end of the Triangle finally, which is what made season 5 so bad in comparison. I honestly think season 5 despite it's tying in of various story points and lore, is also the worse season since they dragged the triangle as it were for another season. We could have gotten Steroline sooner and many other interesting stories, that I feel could have done the same, with out the triangle being involved in all of that.

Keith Engel

Revenge begets revenge, Kai had actually changed.

Keith Engel

I will always choose you over the witch....how times change.