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Fly on the Wall

If Jackson crossed over I think he'd lose the curse like Tyler did, yes.

Fly on the Wall

The episode right before this Klaus murdered his own father right after they made an alliance despite the fact it would tear his family apart. There's really not much reason to trust Klaus wouldn't have also murdered a werewolf that betrayed him. It's what Klaus does. There's really no reason to be pissed off. How often is Klaus innocent of doing wrong doing? How quickly we forget that he murdered Tyler's mother in a fountain just to be petty or that he slaughtered 12 of his own hybrids because they dared break his compulsion or how about all the times he dagger-ed his own siblings or that kid Davina liked that he poisoned. If Klaus wants to have people assume the best in him and not the worst, he needs to earn it through his actions. We can love the characters who do bad things and root for them to be better and stand with them against the world when they turn on him, but I also think we need to understand when other characters aren't trustful of their change when they haven't completely earned it. I completely agree with you about Hope. Any plans to take or keep Hope away from Klaus is completely and morally wrong. Not OK.

Fly on the Wall

No one should tell you off or that opinion is wrong, just that you have to remember that Klaus isn't a saint and does bad things sometimes.

Fly on the Wall

You need to take a step back and realize you're rationalizing all the evil Klaus has ever done because you simply like the character. Just because we like bad characters who do bad things doesn't mean we need to excuse every bad thing they've ever done. No amount of attempted diversion to things that happened over a thousand years ago justifies the fact Klaus drowned a woman in a fountain because her son dared to have a mind of his own. Mind you I actually like the character of Klaus since he's become a more well-rounded character on his own show and I'm also a big fan of Damon's, but that doesn't mean they don't make poor choices that get them in hot water from time to time due to their own stupidity.

Bria Bey

Im in total agreement with you. I've been team Klaus since Dahlia entered the picture.

Bria Bey

Jackson and Haley have been pissing me off trying to run away and Elijah and Rebekah just jumping ship against Klaus so easily is so annoying. And everyone always wonders why Klaus is so paranoid and can't trust anyone.