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Yay.. It's Smile Time!!!

Rafael Lemus

i skipped straight to this episode no shame "You're a wee little puppet man!" from Spike to Angel is iconic


Oh the amount of laughs for this episode wow and FRED/WESLEY HAS FINALLY HAPPENED ❤️

Allan Cornett

I also went straight to this reaction. I love this episode.

Rafael Lemus

yes there is an official Angel Puppet and i have a feeling it's coming your way lol great reaction


i NEED this time next week now! Smile Time is the single greatest episode of tv to watch while drunk!


Skipped Why We Fight because IDGAF. It's Smile Time!

Claire Eyles

Ah, yes, this episode, much better after the pretentious snooze fest from before. Also Wesley & Fred YAY!


GO AWAY NINA , GO AWAY CRAWL. I want my Cangel and Fresley.

Jarrod Wild

David Fury aka producer/writer on Buffy and Angel aka Mustard Man is the puppet maker!

Zach Hershman

I loved this episode the first time around. I kind of hate it now...

David Caine

*Angel falls with a mortal wound* Lorne: "Is there a Geppetto in the house?!"

Timotey Kuhn

?????? How??? How could you hate Spike fighting with Puppet Angel??


I checked Amazon. The official limited edition puppet goes for about $200...


YAS! Been waiting for this since season 1!


I never skip your Buffyverse reactions, but I did for WWF because I 100% agree w how boring lolol. I practically leapt on this one, though! Angel!Puppet is a hardcore fave of mine, and yes! There are 3 Angel!Puppets, regular, scarred, and vampy! 🤣 I'm so glad you liked it! Fresley is the SWEETEST and I love them so much. Can't wait for your next reactions! ❤


I love everything about Smile Time but my favorite thing about it is that it's over and we can move on to the single greatest episode of Angel. Too bad we have to wait a week. :(

Brandon Wiesner

The guy that wrote/directed this ep, Ben Edlund also wrote on SPN for 7 seasons and BTW, he wrote the fan favorite, along with one of your faves, The French Mistake.


I kind of like WWF... but I'm watching Smile Time first because I have been looking forward to Smile Time since season 1!


Shhh nobody tell Shan that even though you don't see it in the episode, they did make a Spike puppet... :)


I actually have an Angel puppet t-shirt my sister found online, so the merch exists out there! Can't wait for next week!


I kind of hate how underutilized Harmony and Lorne are so far. I feel like even together they would make a great comedic duo.


There were 3 different puppets available as merch: Angel puppet, Vamp-face puppet, and Battle-scarred puppet. The Battle-scarred puppet had a detachable nose. I actually bought the Vamp-face one when they came out, but I think I mislaid it between moving houses. I would send it to you if I still had it.


Written by Joss and Ben Edlund. :) Easy to imagine it was co-written by the creator of The Tick... Buffy had a puppet episode, too. Not very similar. And yes, full sized Angel puppets do exist. Glad you hadn't noticed them.

Zach Hershman

Anybody who has seem the entire series should know why. It's a great episode on its own.


Eeeer....just to add...Mr Framkin is (David Fury, writer Director Buffy/Angel) the "Got the Mustard out guy"!!!

Paul Gibson

If I was gonna guest in 2 episodes they'd be my pick too

Justin Brinkley

This ep is amazing. I also have a puppet Angel. 😅

Dennis Bryant

This is one of my most favorite Whedonverse episodes, easily top 5 from among all of his work. The last episode was a bit blah, but this one makes up for it in spades, in my opinion. I always laugh out loud at the line " I'm gonna tear you a new puppet hole, b*&^h!" I can't seem to help it.


I love Smile Time. I'm so glad they let themselves do something this weird. I always want to see more weird stuff. I guess lots of movies and tv series are super weird, but on Joss' shows they do it with sincerity and integrity.


Funny, surreal and oddly moving. You can definitely see The Tick DNA in Smile Time.


Who else has got the song stuck in their head (AGAIN!!!)? Repetition #1,254,340 ♪♫♬ Self esteem is for everybody Self esteem is for everyone You can dream and be anybody But self esteem is how you get it done Self-esteem is how you get it... ♪♫♬ Oh God, help me!

Richard Lucas

I feel like from WWF on, Angel just gets better and better, but that’s just a personal opinion.

Jarrod Wild

They were each collectibles, only 5000 produced (for each puppet). You can still find a few sealed ones on eBay.


All of Shan's "Yayys!" are about to change, very quickly.


This is definitely one of the most fun episodes of the entire series.


Really enjoyed this eps, special the Spike and Angel fight scene.

Eric Zebrowski

Shan i found this on Amazon it Angel Puppet - https://www.amazon.com/Buffy-Angel-Smile-Puppet-Replica/dp/B00695COGS


Shan, I just wanna say that the next 8 episodes are the BEST episodes of Angel


It's Spike's other line that always pops into my head: "YOU'RE A BLOODY PUPPET!!"


Every time the Angel puppet is on screen, I just stare at it. Very entertaining.

Dontrell Durant

I actually didn’t like this episode. It wasn’t as bad (or as boring) as the Mexican episode but I just didn’t like it..... I forgot it was in this season. Anywho, congrats on the car🥳🥳🥳

Keenan White

Definitely one of my favorite episodes from this season!

Justin Brinkley

David Fury not only has 2 of the most memorable cameos in the Buffyverse, but he was also the writer for You're Welcome, & the reason Charisma Carpenter reprised the role.