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Gag reel . . .

Collector of Stuff

Remember that Dean is perfectly fine with death being the final solution......as long as it’s his death. Also, any time I see someone eating fast food the Auntie in me kicks in and makes me want to cook whoever is eating it homemade food. So stop it.

Annie R. James

What she said. Also, in the previous episode - The Great Escapist - towards the end of it in the car? Dean distinctly said something about 'we do this, and you stop coughing up a lung'. Dean expected that finishing the trials would be the magical cure-all for Sam. Deep, deep down he may have suspected the truth, but when's he been one for soul searching? :)

Emme C.

My favorite season finale. The acting from both Jared and Mark in the church scenes was amazing! And just the twist you never considered beforehand at the end was a shock. Loved it when it first aired, and still love it today.

Emme C.

And I think maybe Dean was in denial. I think Sam went into it thinking he could survive, but came to accept that maybe he couldn’t, but Dean probably thought in the back of his mind they’d save him last minute.


Just three quick comments...First, Jody is fine. I swear the first time the episode aired the scene at beginning carried on long enough to show Dean say 'I surrender' and Crowley to cancel the spell. It might've been edited out at some point. Second, Sam and Dean will always be known as Moose and Squirrel (or Moose and Not Moose) to Crowley. Third, Mark Sheppard deserves an Emmy for his role as Crowley in this show. Looking forward, if you liked the back half of season 8 then you'll love season 9. My personal favorite episodes outside the first and last are EP 4 & 11. Hope you feel better and have fun with the show.

Nicole Garver

Remember that saying you’re willing to “fight to the death”, is VERY different than actually letting Sam die. One is in the abstract, the other is all too concrete. || That church was so gorgeously done. The crew built that thing in about a week. It was demolished when filming the episode wrapped. || The VFX of the angels falling is a stunning scene. And Jared and Mark did such amazing work in those scenes. Mark often mentions it as his favorite filming experience. || I was fortunate enough to get to ask Jared about ‘Sacrifice’ and to tell him how moved I was by the whole episode, but especially the scenes in the church. His eyes got a bit teary and he was so grateful to hear that. || Glad you enjoyed the episode. It’s a stand out of the series IMO. BTW, did you know that filming started today (July18)? Jensen is directing - they always film his episodes first, but they usually air third or fourth (airing fourth this time). || I’m about to answer the questions that you asked, so if you don’t want to know, stop reading now! We didn’t see Jodi die and on first watch, I assumed that she’d made it out of that bathroom alive. Kim talks about filming that scene, and makes fun of herself for kind of teasingly being a brat about wanting to know Jodi’s fate for sure. Thinking about the angel Anna helps to explain what happened to Cas and the other angels. Without her grace, she was basically human. The angels didn’t lose their grace, they just fell. || Have a great weekend. XXOO

Brandon Wiesner

The || command doesn't work because you're not posting in Discord. You might want to edit out the spoilery parts.


The visual of the final scene is awesome one my Favorite Finale in Supernatural.I feel what made Dean change his mind about closing the gates of hell it became to real for him at the end there difference between maybe dying and actually dying also as many times they have cheated death thought this was the best way.


Now that I actually watched your Reaction, I can see where you're coming from. And I agree. It did seem at the beginning that they were gung ho about doing whatever it took to close the gates of Hell. But Dean was thinking about himself doing it. Then Sam comes and starts the trials and so then Dean goes into denial mode. He never would have agreed if it started out with Sam doing the trials. During the trials it seemed that sometimes Sam and Dean would worry about the cost of doing them to Sam, but they actually didn't think it would end up killing him. Just in the previous 2 episodes they talked about getting the trials done as fast as they could and get Sam better. Especially Dean. I think Sam would have been okay if he had to die after the last trial, but Dean wouldn't. Dean was likely in denial during this, and I think he did worry deep down about it costing Sam his life. He just didn't let himself think about it. Mixed feelings. Really wanting the close the gates of Hell over Sammy's life. So he was hoping Sammy would get better once it was over. The really BIG issue I have with this episode is when Metatron tells Cas that his soul would come to heaven when he dies. Well, angels don't have souls, according to everything we've learned these last several years. So, unless Metatron is able to give Cas a soul, that wouldn't happen. sigh

Jason Veevaert

Dean thinks it's okay until his little bro is actually dying


The angels didn't become human, only Cas did when Metatron took away his Grace. The only thing the spell did was to expel all of the angels out of Heaven instead of Metatron, and his spell made sure of that. Also, Metatron's spell didn't only kick all of the angels out. The spell also burned off all of the angels' wings. That's what you saw at 43:22. That's the other part of Metatron's spell; ensuring that angels can't fly back into Heaven.


I don't know if anyone has told you but I think the music is gone on Netflix for some of the upcoming seasons

Nicolas Cardillo

From here on u are going to LOVE Crowley!!!