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I know it wasn’t real but I remember crying the first time I watched the scene where the fairy turned Spike into a human and Angels face just destroyed me.


It's super interesting to me seeing how people react every time this show uses the word 'retard.' It's used several times over the series, in contrast to a lot of shows from the late 90s - early 2000s, where it was used either quite a bit and casually, or not at all. Every reactor I've watched has noticeably winced every single time the word was used. I think it's neat. It shows progression of what most consider acceptable language over the last 15 years.

Chess Red Eagle

I know I'm not part of that tier but I would really recommend Leverage as a show to watch if you need more Lindsay(Christian Kane) in your life.

Melissa Murphy

I always interpreted Angels dreams In this episode as his doubts about his purpose since the whole Destiny episode. Every dream seemed centered around his fear that he is irrelevant and that Spike has taken his place as champion with The Powers That Be. Anyway just my thoughts


Leverage was such a good show. Even if she even found time to watch it on her own, I co-recommend it to anyone.


“Yes! YOUR reward!” —Wesley produces my favorite line of the episode! I am also fond of Honky Tonk and never turn up my nose at a good rendition of “My Darling Clementine.” (Witness The Doctor and Seven of Nine.)


I honestly think that there are few things more terrifying than Liam Duke's resting psycho face, but ASR's "you've crossed a line, Lindsey, and now you're gonna suffer" look comes close.


Rick and Morty did an 'in episode' analysis of the word 'retarded' and it's both accurate and funny.


That last shot is awful. Really don't understand why they edited Angel in the same shot instead of I don't know filming it that way in the first place. Guess they forgot?? 😂


Yea quite a few things in this episode that are a bit too spoilery to mention. But I was always intrigued about the Buffy quotes they brought up right after Fred pulls out a dead goldfish from inside Angel. Buffy says, “I killed my goldfish”. I always interpreted that as maybe the goldfish representing Angels soul, and how Buffy in a way is saying she has once killed Angels soul (sleeping with him, thus lifting the gypsy curse). Also, if ASR is that triggered with Lindsay using Doyle as an alias, I’m so hyped to see Liam Duke react to this one lol


Bit of background on this one, David Boreanaz had just had major back surgery before this episode and had to do most of this episode without any major movements. I believe he also directed this one? That's why he's always lying down, walking slowly or using the mail cart to move

Patrick - Excelsior

Shan ... "A lot to dissect there, that I wouldn't be able to dissect ..." you don't need Ian, you got Fred to do that. LOL


Water? Are you ok? Should we send help? :P


The first time i watched this episode and Lindsey sayed "You can call me Doyle" I pretty much spitt fire at the tv lol, my brother came in the room, because i was cursing so much, thinking i lost it.


Yeah, flashback moments. Agree with you on that.

Loves Bitca

Christian and David were then the only 2 actors that were there from the beginning. They and Glenn Quinn (Doyle) were very good friends and had fun on set back then. They said it was very difficult for them when using Doyle's name, and it brought up a lot of memories, with him being dead by then.


Concerning the dream sequences in this episode, I think they are less like Restless and more like a twisted version of For the Man Who has Everything, a classic Superman story where an alien creature is attached to his chest causing him to dream his perfect reality.

Ross Nolan

The 'came up through the Gulf Stream' line comes from the film 'Jaws': in one of the scenes in that film the main characters are performing an autopsy on a dead shark and pull out a licence plate from its stomach just like Fred did here. The blue fairy comes from the Disney version of 'Pinocchio' where she is the being that turns him into a real boy. Oh and 1000% agreed on how awful Eve is! I love the fact that they all saw through her smugness at the end.


"thank you, bear..." hahaha

Shawn Skelton

"Did I hear that correctly?..." I died laughing when I saw this!


Amy Acker's acting during that dissection scene had me in tears lol! Loved your reaction as always.


I loved Lilah but I have to disagree, I loved to hate Eve. She really got my under my skin at times and I can appreciate that in a character because at least they make me feel something. She's not as sassy or great as Lilah I guess, she's like Gavin if he wanted to be Lilah lol!


Wasn't it knee surgery? I believe they mentioned that in the commentaries, that's why he's sitting in most scenes.

Ron Fehr

There may be a few episodes where Angel doesn't do much walking (I think that it's a few). The reason was that David Boreanaz had just had (or was going to have) some surgery done. Hence the limited movement.

Ron Fehr

Fred's reference to Angel's heart being a 'dried up little walnut' is a callback something Numero Cinqo said to Angel in 'The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinqo'.

Ron Fehr

The part about the fairy in Angel's dream, where Spike gets to be 'a real boy's, is paying homage to the Blue Fairy in 'Pinocchio'.


You know, they never bothered to finish this storyline.....How the f!?% did Lindsey mange to get Wolfram and Heart to give Angel the Amulet, and how did he get the Amulet from the crater that Sunnydale became, to Angel's office? And then how did he turn Spike soild again? Kinda lazy writing sometimes. Can't believe that moment in season 7 when Buffy gives Spike the Amulet and calls him a champion for the first time, just ends up being a ploy by Lindsey? Huh?


Geez, not to mention...How did Lindsey know Buffy would choose to give the Amulet to Spike in the first place?


Angel S02E10