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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q2gn7dwltii6t2b/Angel%20S05E02%20-%20Just%20Rewards%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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As soon as Spike mentioned Buffy my heart broke :( But I love the banter between him and Angel, absolutely hilarious.


Totally... having Spike and Angel interact makes everything better. That could be the whole episode and I'd be cool with it.


That was some sharp cutlery... And man does Spike always get the best lines! The writers must have had so much fun writing him

Loves Bitca

Spike really added a lot of spice to this season. His chemistry with Angel is something I didn't know I needed before. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't care" is one of my favorite lines and I've used it a few times.


no Charisma in the credits tho :C

Tammy L. Faulkner

Not the same guy that played in Charmed as the genie by the way... He played Dick in that episode.

Bria Bey

Your memory recollection is very good when it comes to faces. I really like this episode too. Didn't appreciate though that they were trying to trick the audience with Spike's motives.


Hey Shan, how can you say "not too much spoiler, just flashes of him"? Spike is now a principal character that appears in the credits, seeing that in the first episode would affect the joy at the end, lol


He keeps fading away I thought...but he's bound to the opening credits I thought...but remembered Joss actually wanted to do two opening credits for S101 so we would think Eric Balfour (Jessie) was going to live...but couldn't afford it...GULP!


This episode is awesome. Pure Spangel goodnes. Spike is really funny but it has a very weird voice, like a pitch higher than in Buffy, I think is a way to try to queep Angel as the alpha male, because next to Spike, Angel attractiveness go very low.

Tom Tattershall

Shan was slightly worried about spoilers from this episode and further in the season in the credits. She knows seeing Spike in the episode one credits would have totally spoiled his return at the end of that episode.


I love spike and angel when they are like that, always a laugh.

Ron Fehr

There was a book written (kind of like a season eight) following the events after the end of the Buffy TV series. At some point, she and the gang end up in Europe (Rome, Italy, I think).

Ron Fehr

Sp'uffy is definitely more interesting than B'angel.


Definitely enjoyed the banter between Angel and Spike. Great to have him part of the main cast for sure. A whole episode devoted to Angel and Spike would be simply delightful!


Spangel… oooh that sounds hot 😆😉 yeah it's funny hearing Spike's voice... you can totally tell his lines were dubbed

Ryan Wilson

17:23: Shan, if you didn't know that's called ADR. Sometimes it can be really noticeable. Ian actually pointed out one scene in the Buffy from the season 4 episode, Doomed where you can tell Giles' lines were clearly ADRED.

Timotey Kuhn

Big thumbs up for family dingo interruptions.... LULZ. :P