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Loved the reaction, you are a true brown coat now! Leaf on a wind 😢


When you get to see an unleashed River.......


So Inara had a secret that was never revealed on the show. Book's story was in a comic, but her's wasn't. Apparently Joss's plan was to have everyone with some secret that would have been discovered throughout the seasons. I'll put Inara's in a reply on this .


Inara was dying from a terminal illness. If you think back on the show there were some hints and also explained why she felt strongly about no attachments, beside just her job. In the 8th episode when they were out of power and Simon said he didn't want to die on the ship Inara's reply was "I don't want to die at all." Plus why she was on that ship n the first place, to see the "verse" rather than take over the "House" which was noted she was in line for and was focused on doing initially. Also explains why she left Mal. It wasn't just her profession would be in the way, but she didn't want attachments that she couldn't leave as well as doing that to Mal who had already lost his faith at least in part. They sort of ignored it in the movie I think as it was closing the series and hadn't been explored. Most the crew didn't know about it until it was brought up at a 10 year anniversary special.

Loves Bitca

"I wish I had a brown coat" If you think the Jane hat is expensive, you should see the cost of brown coats. The ones that look authentic at least.


I am not going to lie, I was really hoping for "River" vs "The Alliance", when I saw this in theaters it was with a buddy who had not seen the show. WE argued for a two years over who would have won this showdown. River Tam would have gone full saiyan.......if you think I am wrong that is fine.


I think the best thing I can say about this film is that it was still a really good watch as a standalone piece of media while also really fleshing out the mythos of the really unique universe that Joss created. I must confess that I saw Serenity before Firefly but even without the context that Firefly grants I never felt lost and I don't think my appreciation of the characters and their stories was diminished in any way. It was a tragedy that Firefly was as shortlived as it was but I am happy that at least some of the stories were finished off in this way.

Eric Haefele

That would have made for a great continuation of the series. With her psychic abilities together with her weaponization, the series could have continued with an effort to take down the alliance completely, and then many possibilities thereafter.


I feel that Wash and Book were unnecessary deaths. It's like they thought "It's a movie. We have to kill to some of them." I've said it before, but Summer Glau is in the Terminator TV series (The Sarah Connor Chronicles), alongside Lena Headey (Cersei). Unfortunately, it was another show that suffered Summer Glau's curse of cancellations. It lasted two seasons, and with a half length season one because of a writers strike. It's one of my favourite TV series alongside Buffy and GoT.


So glad you didn't know the main spoilers. The main bad guy was also in Doctor Strange...

Allan Cornett

There is short youtube music vidio called She don't like Firefly. I waited to tell you because the song has spoilers for the movie. Check it out on your own or in a short reaction. That would be cool.

Eric Haefele

You are aware that Summer Glau is the best part of "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles", aren't you? It is only two seasons. But it is two seasons of a kick-ass Summer Glau. Summer Glau is my all time favorite actress. She has had small parts in several TV shows, but her roles as River Tam in Firefly/Serenity and Cameron in TTSCC are my favorites.


This movie is so good. It's bittersweet to know this is the end. It had so much promise from where they could take it if the movie had just done well enough in the box office.

Loves Bitca

The last convo between Mal and Zoey talking about "will she hold together" and "She's beat up plenty but she'll fly right" was actually talking about Zoey. As for Zoey mourning. She's a warrior woman. She keeps that stuff inside and presents a hard exterior. Like when she said her and Wash were private people, she'll mourn in private. Did you see that they kept Wash's dinosaurs on the control panel? Personally I thought they should have saved the reveal of River surviving after being dragged by the Reavers until just before the blast doors opened. After she threw the bag and tried to dive through the closing doors and got dragged in, cut away like they did, but not immediately show the fighting. Then wait until Mal comes down and the doors open to have her in her power pose. Then jump back in time to show her battle with the Reavers.

Loves Bitca

The bad part about living on Serenity? Ceiling River watches you have sex.


River: I swallowed a bug Wash: Hold my beer We had many years to mourn for the show and the deaths here that there's many leaf on the wind memes and jokes floating around. I'm glad you didn't get anything spoiled here. It's been a short but intense journey, and it's been a delight sharing it with you. They can't take the sky from us!

Loves Bitca

Ohhh. Since Shan has now reached the end point, no need to avoid spoiler jokes so...... Hey Shan: How do the Reavers clean their spears? They run them through the Wash.


AAAAAAAAA!!! I'm not going to be able to watch this until later today. [/i'm so sad]


There's a tv show kickstarter funded believe called "Con Man" , stars Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion on Vimeo on Demand: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLdcAvnAIZ0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLdcAvnAIZ0</a>


There are several Graphic Novels as well that cover more of the story. Well worth getting into.

Loves Bitca

First episode, in regards to Jayne. Shan: "I don't like him" Movie time Shan: "No don't hurt Jayne".


Still a great movie. Does Star Wars better than any Star Wars movie, basically. For anyone who has not done so, watch it with the director's commentary turned on. It's the best director's commentary track I've ever seen, there's just so much good insight into why choices were made in the making of the movie and it shows how much Joss Whedon loved this project. There's a really good deleted scene, or rather portion of a scene, extending the bit with Simon and River where she's handcuffed on the ship before they get to Haven. If you like good Summer Glau performances, check that out. I always felt that the only change I would make to the movie would be putting that full scene back in.

Dan H

That last, small exchange between Mal and River makes me cry every time. It's something I keep in mind when things are tough - "we'll pass through it soon enough". BTW, now that you've seen it all, def recommend this fan video. no idea who made it, but I know it impressed Joss enough he put up a link to it on Whedonesque himself - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdXkGXD7gDc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdXkGXD7gDc</a>


Star Wars better than Star Wars? Well, Mal did fatally shoot 3 unarmed men. That tops just shooting Greedo… I guess it does in some spots.


So good. From 2011, youtube was smaller back in the day.

Timotey Kuhn

Wuuuuuuuuv the hat. :D


This movie is incredibly tense. When Serenity goes into a nosedive during the air battle chaos, it's nauseating. I've seen this movie 20 times or more... and it STILL feels to me like EVERYONE is going to die in the end. All 9 of the Firefly characters get shot, stabbed, cut, pummeled, or killed in this movie.


There was also a draft script for a 15th episode. It was never filmed, but was published in full in 2005 here: <a href="http://www.whedon.info/article.php3?id_article=8136." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.whedon.info/article.php3?id_article=8136.</a> Enjoy.


It would also be really worth reacting to Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog. As far as I know only Liam Duke has reacted to it so far. It's only 40 minutes long, Joss Whedon wrote and directed it himself, and it stars Nathan Fillion as well as Neil Patrick Harris and Felicia Day (one of the potentials in Buffy, as well as a fellow Youtuber). It's a musical, so if you enjoyed Once More With Feeling, you should enjoy this!


Great reaction. Yes the fav lines was a couple in this movie but special "I eat a bug" I love the reactions to all of Firefly and the movie, Joss Whedon did a lot of great shows/ movies Buffy, Angel, Firefly Tru calling to dollhouse, AOS, Avengers there is a lot. I remember seeing this in the pictures with my sister. So thank you for reaction to this.

Tom Tattershall

I don't think Joss had anything to do with Tru Calling but it did star Eliza Dushku.

Dennis Bryant

I was thinking of suggesting the same thing, such a good little show it was!

Jarrod Wild

"He didn't lie down. They never lie down." I do love eerie River stuff. That was a fair bit of foreshadowing.


This is my favorite movie. I know that a bunch of people will throw up a bunch of others like the original Star Wars, The Matrix, Pulp Fiction but my thinking is you can't really argue about someone's favorite movie. This movie just entertains me - makes me laugh when it wants to and gives me the feels when it wants to do that too. It has everything I need and then some. I think a big reason why is connected to the final message of the film: It was a work of love, not only from Joss Whedon but also the cast, crew, and even the fans. To me, simply the best.

Paul Thomas-Humphreys

I remember seeing this at one of a few pre-release screenings in the UK. It was distracting at first because I had Nathan Fillion and Morena Baccarin just sitting across the aisle. Nathan said that used to like to wait for the bit just before Wash is killed to get a sneaky look behind him and check out the faces drop from laughter to horror! He must’ve got a kick from it!


Yes it is now our duty to play with dinosaurs.


Serenity 2 The wrath of Saffron.


i hadn't seen the movie yet, so thank you. Firefly is prime example how scifi doesn't have to be bad, like many shows it's just about people with space as a background.

Loves Bitca

Ever since War Stories when you said "Are you going to Summer Glau" I've been waiting for you to watch this because she Summer Glaus the hell out of this movie.


At a ComicCon Gina said she would like to think that Zoe was pregnant when Wash was killed and if they had a second movie, she would have a baby to protect.

Ron Fehr

The introduction to Serenity (the ship, not the movie) was intentional. Part of the reasoning behind it was to make things interesting during the credits. Another reason it was done was to familiarize the viewers with the ship (mostly for those that hadn't seen Firefly).

Ron Fehr

Fancy and Mingo- obviously identical twins. If you check the credits at the beginning, you'll see the actors' names.

Patrick Lyke

Just be glad this isn't GoT.....most of the cast would've been killed off in even worse ways! :)


I'm going to have to settle for a coat that is "sort of a brownish color".

Ron Fehr

I think that the idea of Mr. Universe may have been thought of during Firefly's brief season. Of course, with the early cancellation, nothing came to fruition.

Ron Fehr

Serenity heading through Reaver territory to get to Miranda. Do I detect an impossibility? How could the crew hear the screams outside the ship? Sound cannot travel through the vaccum of space.

Ron Fehr

The reason for the deaths of Book and Wash was to coax the viewers into believing that there might not be a happy ending. Part of movie making often involves the protagonists going through some extremely low points before things get resolved.

Ron Fehr

Two things. The scene of Serenity falling from the sky was made possible by viewing some war footage (I think) of the same thing happening to airplanes. Secondly. Look at the bright side, Shan. They ended the movie with the possibility of a romance between Mal and Inara. At least she wasn't sure that she wanted to leave the ship.


The deaths of Wash and Book were because in the chance there was a Serenity 2 or a reboot Firefly, the actors could not commit to being in them.


I saw this in a special preview in the theaters and there was no way to pause after the shock of losing Wash.... the whole crowd was unable to process anything at all and then shit just kept coming! Honestly I was like Oh they are all dying. Yes, Book. But he kind of got some words in.... Of course that set things off, and you get a sense of how desperate things are getting. But then Wash. WASH! So why not, why not everyone else? Like we know they aren't getting a new tv show, they could seriously just blow the whole thing up. That's how it felt at the time. And something about that ship! watching it get destroyed was unbefuckinglievable.