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damn... that's just destroyed you.... hate to be in your shoes right now... i've become desensitized by deaths in supernatural type shows... (i blame SPN!)

Signe (Seena) Stewart

Giant huggles!!!!! ❤❤❤❤ That was pretty much exactly how I reacted back when it was on. It destroyed me. Two of my favourite characters in one fell swoop. 3, counting lexie. Really happy alaric is back! But that's not nearly enough

Bria Bey

Don't be embarrassed. I was sobbing during Damon's death as well. I was crying like a baby. It still tears me up after all these years.


i literally bawled my eyes out during this finale

Chris (darkwater)

It is multiple punches in the feels that's for sure.


Yep I knew I’d cry again. Fun fact: calling Nina baby wasn’t in the script, Ian just made that up on the spot 🥰


Ik how that feels. I’ve only ever cried like that over 3 shows/movies in my life and for weeks after i feel empty inside. Stay strong girl 😣


Yeah it emotion wreck at the end, even today rewatched it I cried.


Omg I cried with you and I haven't seen this episode since it came out, I remember watching it and texting my best friend cause she was watching it too and I actually collapsed on the floor and laid down sobbing I couldn't believe that had actually happened. My mom felt so bad for me lmao but in all honesty this shit is awful tv show writers SUCK


I hope this doesnt mean you're dropping the show


Season 6 is such a good season. It's on par with Seasons 2 and 3 in its entertainment value. Yeah season 5 was a snooze fest and the season 5 finale was a gut punch but it'll all be worth it when you watch Season 6.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Oh you poor thing... You look like a reck by the end of this epidose. I'm laughing and crying while watching this reaction. I just can't help it... I'm laughing and tears are pouring out my eyes. Not because of the show, but more aboit your reaction. I guess that since I've been done with season 5 for some time my emotions are outta wak.


I was not expecting that, there was no warning whatsoever. Poor you, Great reaction.