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Oh how I’ve missed Angelus.

Samantha Bailey

Angelus came back at the end of season 2x13 of Buffy when Kendra was kind of around or after she died. So no Wesley because he came after the bad watcher lady died that was in charge of Faith in season 3.

Brendan O'Connor

She means that episode of Angel where he was drugged by the actress and for some reason Angelus seemed to be freed, but he reverted back when the drug wore off

Fly on the Wall

It's not really insecurity when he literally caught them kissing. ;) I don't even hate Riley for his insecurities, but it's very different. He was wrong about her and Angel getting together because Xander made it seem like something might have happened, but here Gunn isn't wrong. Wesley is literally moving on his girlfriend, and it seemed like she was letting him. Gunn may be going about it the wrong way, but he's not going to sit back and let it happen. The fight after that, though, was definitely too far.

Fly on the Wall

It is kind of pessimistic, but it's true. Angel didn't seek out his own soul. I guess that's why Spike didn't create a new name for himself or anything.


When Fred initially chose Gunn and Wesley started acting petty and jealous because of it, I dont recall you having an issue with it. But now Gunn is being “insecure” because Wes is literally flirting with his girlfriend? Wes is in the wrong here and Gunn has every right to be pissed.


I'm not a relationship expert, but when your partner goes from wanting to spend all of her waking hours with you to to NOT wanting to spend time with you, insecurities will develop.


So, I might be going out on a limb here, but are you implying in any way that this is EARLY!!?? :D


Coming from somebody whose love of characters ranks Wes>Fred>Gunn, I'm gonna have to agree with the others that Gunn's insecurity is justified in this case. 1. Your relationship is falling apart and your girlfriend has been acting cold/distant for some time. 2. A guy that is in love with your girlfriend, that everybody knows is in love with your girlfriend keeps showing up and asking about her. She also continuously goes to him for help rather than you. 3. You walk in on them kissing, and rather than her just coming clean and saying it just happened/it wasn't her idea, she immediately denies it and acts all shifty. That's basically cheating. These are all things that would make the average person insecure, sure there is a high road to be taken in this situation, but most people aren't going to take it.


Angelus mess with them, I missed him.


Is it just me, or does David Boreanaz seem like a much better actor when he's playing an evil, soulless monster? Maybe it's just the writing, but he absolutely nails it as Angelus. A conscienceless creature who goes for the pain in a way that would have any vengeance demon purring. Even when you know he's manipulating you, the blows land with unerring accuracy. Magnetic and repulsive in equal measure. Perhaps DB missed his danger and unpredictability as much as the audience did.

Jon Dub

Oh and this episode was directed by Samwise Gamgee aka Sean Astin :)

Jon Dub

Yes, and might I add the Riley comparison is not valid. Buffy gave Riley zero reason to doubt her, especially in season 4. She was always faithful to him, which made his insecurity unwarranted and made him come off a jerk. Gunn on the other hand, just walked in on his girlfriend kissing a guy who he knows to be in love with her, and he can sense Fred, at least somewhat, reciprocates Wesley's feelings, so Gunn has very valid reasons to be insecure

Andreas Froby

Prussia is predessor of Germany.


I agree. Boreanaz is just one of those actors who has a natural talent for playing the bad guy. Which is weird because he has built a very successful career around being the good guy. I think he does a better job as Angelus than any role he's had for the past 15 years.


Gunn has always felt insecure when it comes to Fred and Wesley because he thinks they are more of a match because of their intelligence. He has always said that they were the brains of the group and he was just the muscle.


*shrug* I think this episode is pretty great. Dialogue-heavy episodes are fine as long as the conversations are meaningful, and having Angelus be the focal point is just a big bonus. Also this episode was directed by Sean Astin (Sam from Lord of the Rings) which is pretty cool.


I'm a little nonplused with this particular sequence. It's like they said, "We want Angelus back for a visit, let's just make up whatever to get him there." Which is fair enough--it was time for a little evil visit--but I just never bought the reasoning, and the Angel/Cordelia stuff isn't getting any more believable for me.


A soul in a glass jar in a safe. (Sounds like the human heart) We give it every protection, but to use it...we have to risk it breaking.

Brandon Wiesner

Angelus really is an evil genius. Too bad there's no Angel next week, because some really good eps coming up but hey, I will never complain about an all Buffy week.

Elise Lanciault-Breton

Prussia was an empire that touched Germany, Poland and Russia, but it fell after the wars (first world war and Second World War). It makes sense that Angelus was in Prussia because he was in Europe before the wars, I believe he left at the beginning of the century to America when he got his soul so therefor when he was in those regions, it was Prussia

Sheriff Uchiha

In Gunn's defense he has tried to talk to Fred but she doesn't want to. And he feels thretened by Wes because he think he is the dumbest person in the crew and Wes is the smartest when he used to be the smartest in his old street crew. Plus I think Reily acted stupid, Buffy's ex came to town and he asumed she had sex with him but with Fred, she and Gun already have had problems and here comes Wes, smarter than him and now much more bad ass, who he knows is in love with Fred... it's not that he doesn't trust Fred its that he thinks he is just not good enough for her and she is acting like he isn't by not talking to him and always going to Wes. I always thought it should have been Fred/Wes anyway so maybe I'm seeing things but I think Gunn thinks his realtionship is in trouble and Wes is trying to take advantage of that in his eyes.


Despite being locked in a cage and therefore powerless to do anything, Angelus is still able to inflict pain with his words. Sorta reminds me of some people who write unnecessarily mean things in the comment section of youtube videos. amirite?


I don't understand why Gunn has a crossbow and not the trank-gun that Wesley shows up with just in the nick of time. Crossbows are for dusting vamps and there is no coming back from that. It's hardly a threat if Angelus knows Gunn would never actually use it.

Ron Fehr

Angel's soul in a jar. I guess they couldn't find an orb of Thesula. (Remember Buffy season 2)


Yeah, the next couple Angel episodes are great episodes.

Jon Dub

The whole point of the jar was so that they wouldnt need to find an Orb of Thesulah to re-summon his soul from the Ether. It was supposed to be a short cut, and a good idea. They werent to know someone would steal it

Becky Howell

Yeah I agree with everyone else where Gunn is concerned, I don’t think you can call it insecure if he’s right. Fred was constantly going to Wesley for all help and then to show he could help her too he killed someone for her and now she doesn’t really want to be around him. On top of that Wesley has always been in love with her and everyone knows, he slept with Layla when she dressed like her, like that’s fucked up. And to kiss her and for them both to lie about it, you can understand why he got upset. The fight wasn’t cool but he did not in anyway mean to hurt her. I don’t think he deserves the hate in this situation.

Ron Fehr

Would a tranquilizer work on Angelus? His heart doesn't beat, so his blood can't circulate. So how can the stuff in the dart get into his bloodstream?

Ron Fehr

Prussia. In think that was what Germany was once called.


Cordelia about Angelus: "He lies with the truth." What a great line!


Don't know if you noticed, but this episode was directed by Sam Wise himself, Sean Astin.


yeah the orb just like, summons it from the ether/ spirit realm or whatever. it can't hold a soul, only pull it back and direct it to the body (from what we have seen at least).


because vampires have a blood stream, regardless of a beating heart. Everything with vampires is about blood, and its animated by demon/vampire magic. They get erections, they bleed, they move, they think. Their blood circulates with magic. By this logic, it also explains why Spike can choke out Dru in season 2, by cutting the bloodflow to her brain.


That being said, the Buffyverse has had it's share of inconsistencies. Drowning Spike? Choking out Drucilla? They don't breathe!! However, my love for these shows allows me to overlook such things lol