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Wheres the originals?


I think a lot of the relationships on TVD are toxic. Platonic, romantic and familial relationships a like. I'll probably be crucified for saying this but I lost a lot of respect for Elena in that last scene. Damon tells that her friend is dead because of him and she basically rewards him with sex. Just doesn't sit well with me,


That is true. There are very, very few relationships on the show that aren't super toxic, friendship or romantic. Basically the only non toxic ones I can think of right now involve Bonnie :D and yeah, the end of this episode is where I completely stopped liking Elena and Delena. Katherine was right when "she" broke up with Damon


nah, still a Delena shipper, no one in this series is innocent


Although I wouldn't call myself a fan of Delena, I'm certainly not against them either. I think they belong with each other. I just feel there should have been more of a reaction to Damon killing Aaron than 30 seconds of yelling and then hopping into bed together.


When Damon thought Elena broke up with him, his immediate reaction was to kill someone she knew, threaten her friends, and try to kill her brother. That is the very definition of toxic...and co-dependent. He throws tantrums and goes on killing sprees just because his girlfriend broke up with him? That's ridiculously toxic.


I love Nina acting in this. Great reaction.


As someone else said in a comment above, I think almost all the relationships on this show are kind of toxic. I mean, remember when Stefan went on a killing spree so that Klaus would give him the cure to save Damon? I don't know how many people he killed (probably hundreds), and Elena later admitted that Stefan ripping people's heads off had nothing to do with the reason she broke up with him. After seeing her be okay with Stefan doing all that, it would be monumentally out of character for her to be all judgmental over Damon killing Aaron. Not to say that it's good that she forgive Damon, just to say that Elena had toxic relationships with both Salvatore brothers, and it would have been out of character for her to hold Damon to a different standard than she'd held Stefan.


I can't agree with your characterization of the last scene as Elena "rewarding" Damon with anything. Elena has her own needs, her own sex drive. That wasn't about giving Damon anything, it was about her own needs and desires. Not to say it was a healthy choice, just that saying she was "rewarding" Damon makes it sound like his desires are the only ones that matter.


Except Stefan killed strangers to save Damon's life and Damon killed (or tried to kill) people Elena cared about to punish her. There'S a monumental difference

Keith Engel

No, he just wanted to fix her instead to an obsessive point last season with the Cure when she became a Vampire instead of accepting who she had become, taking it the point of forcing Jeremy to kill a vampire against his will and making him miss the Miss Mystical Falls, just like how Stefan had missed it the year before. So once again, the game can be played back and forth as to who was worst ect. It's a show about vampires, werewolves, and witches. Morality grey areas are going to exist all over the place for each and every character in the show, and also the conditions of each relationship is set to this more extreme morality, that most relationship don't go through. So you have to find the metaphors, Damon's going on a killing spree is basically the same as someone going on a three week bender after a break up.