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Dontrell Durant

AZURA SKYEE! I had a huge crush on her.


Oh, God, here we go. Buffy New Year!


I like this episode more than most people I think.

Eric Zebrowski

Yeah its a good detective buffy episode.

Tammy L. Faulkner

So, Zachary Ty Brian... Played a dick here, played a dick in Smallville... I'm see a pattern😁 he was a sweet kid in Home Improvement and not that terrible in a couple other things I've seen him in. By the way, I'm thinking you didn't reconize him or that girl... She also played a part in Smallville. And remember the hispanis kid in the beggining? Keep remembering him, you may see him in the near future😉


First use of “googled” as a verb on US television. I think the intent of the cut to the student was to support, rather than undercut, Willow's visit to Tara's grave. If Tara had died without the reconciliation with Willow, everything about that would have been so much worse for Willow. “Have you told him how you feel?” How Cassie's line to Spike fits into that theme is still to be determined. A blonde teenager who wants to ice skate and fall in love but has a special ability and a short life expectancy, hmmm. There's something familiar about that from earlier in the show, all the way back to season 1. Buffy has known she can't save everyone for a while now, but as much as she has grown as the slayer and with the foreknowledge she has, she manages to save Cassie twice. But she still dies. Very good, very sad episode.


You look so disappoint when the demon wasn't a snake. Great reaction.

s jaco

This episode always makes me cry because it so sad. I didn't see it coming at all, which is the point really. But it broke my heart. Plus it reignited my love for writing poetry as I really loved her style.


i really liked this episode, i think Azura also played a simular role in i wanna say Bones, not sure anymore

Ryan Wilson

IDK if any of you know this or not but this is a really cool fun fact: when Buffy, Willow, and Xander ​are sreachin​​g Cassie at the dinner table; When Willow asks Buffy, "have you google her yet?" that is the creation of the phrase "Google it"

Nick Velasquez

I always kinda hoped the demon they were trying to summon would have been the one she killed in reptile boy and it wouldn’t show up.

Katherine Thoreson

The guy talking about his brother joining the marines, you have to also look at that scene in terms of living in the US because this episode aired one year and about one month after 9/11, so it was a significant topic for a lot of families. I think Willow had done her grieving and said good-bye to Tara in her own way. This was just her first visit to Tara’s grave site. Although, I do understand the sentiment of wanting more from that scene especially as someone who loved their relationship so much. It would have been nice to see more there.

Eric Zebrowski

True, this episode also aired before pre invasion of iraq.


This is a good one off. Cassie was an interesting character. It would’ve been cool if she was around for more than one episode.

Andrew Pulrang

I like what they were trying to do here ... show Buffy trying to be a good counselor and how she tries to use her Slayer / Scoobie routines to solve student problems. But it’s hard to watch as someone who worked in counseling for many years. You are right Shan that there are massive violations of privacy laws going on here, mainly because Buffy is sharing all this information with another student, (Dawn), and two random friends, (Xander and Willow). And just showing up at a father’s house is a big no-no. Anyway, I guess that’s nit-picking. It’s a sad and impactful story, and I like how at the very end Cassie makes vague and kind of spooky references to what may be ahead for Buffy and Spike.


It's a little different since Buffy works there now but they've been working this way since at least "The Puppet Show" in season 1. [EDIT] Make that since Buffy and Giles went to see Amy's mom in "Witch".


Azura Skye's performance added a lot to this episode. I think I saw her in 28 Days first, and I've always liked her.


Are you SURE? I'm sure that the appearance on Buffy helped to POPULARIZE the phrase "google it", but I find it hard to believe that it was the first EVER use of "google it". Anyway, if you know of a source, I'd be interested.


That would have been a cool direction for the story.


Zachery Ty Bryan will always be the kid from Home Improvement to me.


No disrespect to Amber Benson (there is no faulting her excellent portrayal), but Azura Skye would have been a great Tara imo.

Rachel Espiritu

Way back when this episode aired, Cassie's poetry website was real, complete with poems and art and horribly outdated Geocities guest counter image. <a href="https://buffy.fandom.com/wiki/Cassie%E2%80%99s_Poetry_and_Paintings" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://buffy.fandom.com/wiki/Cassie%E2%80%99s_Poetry_and_Paintings</a> This was before "viral sites" were a thing, the BTVS crew was WAAAY ahead of their time on this. This episode is also the reason that every fake website on How I Met Your Mother was made into a real website while the show aired, the showrunners were big Buffy fans.

Ron Fehr

I agree. Although, at the time that Tara is introduced to the show, Azura was probably too young for the part.


Willow's comment about posting Doogie Howser fan-fic is also a gem, since she went on to star alongside 'Doogie Howser' in HIMYM. :)

Ron Fehr

My guess about the scene of Willow visiting Tara's grave- With Willow turning dark right after Tara was shot, she never got to say goodbye to her. This was the goodbye scene.


Cassie was a really memorable character and really left an impression on fans after this episode. I remember there was a lot of fan-fiction about her.


OMG, I've seen all of Buffy at least a dozen times and never caught the meaning of Cassie's line to Spike until now!