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Don't get me wrong, im a massive delena fan and always will be but other reactors and now yourself have cringed at the way elena was acting with stefan and there’s nothing wrong with the way you reacted. I just think that trying to explain to someone who you once loved/your first love how you know them isn't easy. Its not like she can say "oh yeah we just dated but it was just a fling and it wasn't serious". Shes been with damon for a while and she hasn't had the chance to walk down memory lane when it comes to her and stefans relationship, elena got caught up in the moment but in the end she stepped back and told him the truth. I agree with you that she shouldn’t have waited til the last minute but if she let him kiss her and then backed off then yeah i can understand people being pissed.


Doppelganger's are drawn to each other


I agree. I think Elena was well intentioned, and I don't think it really occurred to her that Stefan with no memories would fall for her so quickly. She made a mistake, but she wasn't deliberately leading him on, and she pulled back as soon as she realized what he was thinking. Maybe she could have picked up on it a little sooner, but I think she was so focused on trying to help him remember that she didn't see what should have been obvious signs.


Elena wasn't flirting, she was being a good friend. Was she suppose to not at least attempt to help him get his memories back? She might be with Damon now, but she once loved Stefan and he's obviously still in her heart on some level so she did what she could to help him get his memories back. It's not like she made out with him or anything lol. Also, if we're talking about ship bating you could also make that same argument for why Elena and Damon got together in the first place...to create a love triangle for drama and make those Damon fans happy... in the book and on the show.


In this episode, I don't so much get annoyed with Elena for leading Stefan on as I do with the writers for leading the Stelena fans on. I think they were trying to have their cake and eat it too, and dropped the ball. I think the writers were "ship bating" the Stelena shippers, but didn't want the Delena shippers to think Elena had done anything wrong, they just didn't write it very well. But if we were supposed to see Elena as emotionally cheating or anything like that, I would have expected to see Damon or Stefan or Caroline or someone call her on how she acted. The fact that not one person on the show suggested Elena acted inappropriately (Stefan was upset that she was with Damon, but it's not like he accused her of leading him on) makes me think the writers didn't intend for us to see her behavior that way, and they just did a bad job of writing it that way.


could u hate on matt anymore than u already do u act like hes got no reason to complain dudes gone through just as much as everyone else

Tammy L. Faulkner

Just a reminder... Technically, Elana showed her affection for Damon while she was with Stephan. Its no real difference other than the fact that you had chosen Damon from the start. Just because you like one over the other doesnt mean its less of an issue. Personally I think Elana showing her affection for Damon when she was with Stefan was wrong, but I also feel its wrong when its reversed.

Fly on the Wall

The show was built on the love triangle and the entire time Stelena was together they slow cooked the Delena build. While I will always ride and die with my Delena, I can't be mad that they gave Stelena fans little scenes here and there because I would be a hypocrite when I got my Delena scenes sprinkled throughout seasons 1-3 when Stelena were official.

Keith Engel

This is probably my least favorite season of the show, the ship baiting for Stelena fans is horrible, especially when they start using the same songs from their ship during this episode. I think the main reason I don't like it is coming off all the bullshit with the Sire Bond, and then the Cure they go right back into this BS again at the start of this season. I think that is the frustration I have and so many others probably. It just feels too much of a repeat of the previous season right at the start. I mean we go from the Sire Bond causing doubt as well as the cure through out an entire season, now it's "destiny" causing doubt, while sprinkling in an Amnesia episode to walk down the memory lane of Stefan and Elena and look at how "cute" they are. Then continue to do the same later in the season.... I also think that even though Delena was a slow burn and build up it wasn't also done in what feels like a disrespectful way to Stelena shippers during the first three seasons. It wasn't until Season 3 that we really see the heavier stuff taking place, and I would say that Stefan and Elena were broken up when that took place. It never felt like it was forced, it felt natural in it's progression, this season, especially after last season, it just felt like they were forcing this issue now just to satisfy one side of the fan base.