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I can understand that things can be different where you are when it comes to race, but in the U.S., it is something that has literally always been an issue. Not all cops are racist, but enough are that it makes the entire system - in the eyes of the people oppressed by it - feel that way. It's sad too, because there are genuinely good police officers all across the country here, but due to the ones that only see the color of someones skin, there is a huge lack of trust between the community and the justice department as a whole.


I completely understand what you are saying about race. I think that it is great that racism is not something that you and your friends have to confront. The sad truth is that the history of the U.S. is built on racism. Don't get me wrong, things are not how they were 50, 60, 70, 80 and more years ago, but racism still strongly exists here. Of course not all white people are racist, and of course there are people of color who are racist. I get it can be hard to imagine when you don't have to see it often or even first hand, but believe me, this show is not exaggerating it's portrayal of racism and police brutality.

Samantha Bailey

I don't know if you noticed but stan Lee's picture was in the episode and no Tandy was not boiling the water it was a representation of her emotions.

Samantha Bailey

Like the person before me said racism may not be prevalent where you are to see it or experience it but anyone can be racist. It does happen it the U.S. way more than maybe any other country but these are real life situations for people of color and not just black people. Tandy does have privilage even if she no longer has money just by the color of her skin. She would be ignored even though she is the thief if a person of color walked into the store behind her and didnt seem like they belonged in that type of store.


Yes, it is really that bad. Television and movies are understating things, actually. It's bad, and getting worse.

Brandon Wiesner

I wish it was more like where you live but here in the US, racism is still unfortunately an issue. I may be white but the area I live in has many ethnicities and different kinds of POC, so I see racism on many different levels. It sucks sometimes to be with a bunch of other white people, because you hear their comments and they think it's ok because you're white and you don't care. But it's not cool and thankfully, I at least live in a state that is mostly more progressive and tolerant. Still though, some people can't help themselves. So yeah, it may not make sense to someone that isn't exposed to that kind of negativity but it does happen out here, more often than I care to see. We were doing ok before around November 2016...


I was just going to make a very similar comment -- you think the racism on fictional U.S. TV is overstated? That's nothing compared to the racism that occurs in day to day life here in the U.S.. In the past year, I lost count of the number of stories on the news about "cop kills unarmed black kid, gets a slap on the wrist and/or is treated like a hero by his community." It's sickening. ASR is lucky to live in a place where that sort of thing isn't an issue!


Racism is hardly dead in Australia. There’s a long history of some pretty vicious racism against South-East Asians in Australia, not to mention native Australians to a lesser degree. It’s not as bad as it used to be, but it’s still a strong force in their politics and the government is still operating immigration detention camps which have been described as concentration camps by human rights workers. Just a year ago Trump called the Australian prime minister and expressed admiration for those camps, if that helps establish for you how bad these places are. Shannon MAY live in a magical part of Australia where racism is just fixed and everything is perfect now, but it’s more likely she’s just oblivious to it around her, like white Americans who thought racism was “over” until Trump was elected.

Alexis Cardarella

We were doing ok before Nov 2016? We weren't... People were just less outspoken in terms of their racist views.


my word out there is that just because it does it happened where your at does it mean it does it happen in other places because it does I'm just saying because there is it anymore slavery thing any more and stuff like does it mean we anything because west black still getting shot by cops for no reason still called n word stuff like this still happened trust me look it up


The balance of power in Australia is now held by an independent who wants to reform the detention centers somehow. But the last time we eased up on our policies, a thousand people drowned trying to get in. Message me on the discord if you want to discuss this.


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