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Cangel has been my favourite Buffyverse ship since Angel Season 1. Love your new shelf with collectibles btw.


Fred and Wesley's ship name is Fresley.


Cangel and Spuffy fans tend to be the same

Signe (Seena) Stewart

I love Cangel more than I ever did Bangel.. they're just better suited in so many ways. Same with Spuffy. Fred and Wesley is Fresley I don't actually now the shipname for Gunn and Fred. 🤔 And that end scene always gets me!!! They're such a cute little family ❤❤😍😍


I love relationships that form after friendship and growth rather than love at first sight. The way Angel smiles when around Cordy is unmatched. I think Fred and Gunn are called Frunn.


Am I the only one who thinks it’s kinda shitty that back when Cordy was broke, living in unsafe conditions and desperate for money, he had to be pushed into actually making people pay because it was the “right thing to do”, but now that HE needs money he’s all about running AI for a profit?


Cangel is an insult to the entire Buffyverse. Angel left Buffy because he wasn't able to give her a normal life, so why Cordy is different in that aspect? That is one of the main reasons why I dislike this season of Angel so much.

Patrick - Excelsior

I just don't like Cangel for the ship name, it sounds too much like cankle. I like Cordgel better.


Cordy is tied to Angel no matter what because of the visions. She's stuck with this life, but she even proved in another episode she wouldn't give up the visions even for her ideal world. She gave up the rest of what she had, and what she could have, to be a part of this... Buffy, on the other hand, wants everything that comes with being a normal girl. Angel wanted to give her that... as much as he could. He left so she could try.


Never liked Cangel. I thought it was a forced-in distraction, and an insult to the idea that men and women are capable of just being friends, which they'd been developing very nicely up until then. Why did they need to go the romance route? Did they really think we couldn't possibly accept Angel not being a romantic ship? Oh, Fred/Gunn: Clearly, FUNN! And I like Fredley better than Fresley. :D


But as of now they're showing that with other friendships. Angel and Fred, Wesley and Cordy, Gunn and Cordy, Lorne and everyone. The show is full of platonic relationships. To me, it makes perfect sense that 2 attractive people who have a ton of respect for each other, and work everyday in close proximity, could develop feeling for each other. It happens all the time.

Rachel Espiritu

Cangel is the most natural ship in the Buffyverse. Every other one has 'that moment' when they first lock eyes, the forced meetcute episode, the pronouncement that they're an official couple, all that jazz. But with Angel and Cordy, she's been there since day one, and I think the entire audience can agree no one saw any chemistry whatsoever in the beginning. When they're arguing about who spilled peanut butter in Angel's bed, they have the polar opposite of chemistry, they're so awkward. But fast forward two seasons, and suddenly you realize these feelings have been slowly sneaking up on you and the chemistry has been quietly building all along.


Cangel makes so much more sense than Bangel. Hate Bangel, Love Spuffy, Love Cangel.

Richard Lucas

Cordgel (sounds like cordial) and Angelina are both better than Cangel, but I prefer Cordgel because the other one just makes me think Jolie.


Bangel all the way. Only Spuffy shippers like Cangel


Shan nailed the ad lib! :-)


But I didn't feel like it *needed* to happen. It felt very forced--when all the characters have to push and push, and we're all supposed to see it and... I just never saw it. Even with half their clothes off, I was mostly checking my watch. (Honestly, I think I'd have been very happy if the entire regular cast was platonic.)

Timotey Kuhn

Hey... It's Negan!!

Andrew Pulrang

Did we skip an episode where Justine was introduced and partnered with Holtz?

Bellatronics (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 12:46:55 Aren’t Angel, Cordy & baby Connor the cutest little family ever! I adore the snuggle puddle at the end of this episode. :D Cangel all the way. :) So much more adorable than Bangel, IMHO. They know each other so well. Cordy makes Angel smile & laugh, and also challenges him and doesn’t put up with his bullshit, mocks his brooding and knows how to pull him out of it a lot of the time - she is SO much better for him. And with Angel, Cordy has grown so much, into the most amazing person. In the last episode, they would both do anything to save each other. Then again, on a more shallow note, I loved it when Angel bought Cordy a whole wardrobe of new clothes - he defo knew her better than Wes there :D So yeah, this, as well as how cute they are together.
2018-11-07 07:09:48 Aren’t Angel, Cordy & baby Connor the cutest little family ever! I adore the snuggle puddle at the end of this episode. :D Cangel all the way. :) So much more adorable than Bangel, IMHO. They know each other so well. Cordy makes Angel smile & laugh, and also challenges him and doesn’t put up with his bullshit, mocks his brooding and knows how to pull him out of it a lot of the time - she is SO much better for him. And with Angel, Cordy has grown so much, into the most amazing person. In the last episode, they would both do anything to save each other. Then again, on a more shallow note, I loved it when Angel bought Cordy a whole wardrobe of new clothes - he defo knew her better than Wes there :D So yeah, this, as well as how cute they are together.

Aren’t Angel, Cordy & baby Connor the cutest little family ever! I adore the snuggle puddle at the end of this episode. :D Cangel all the way. :) So much more adorable than Bangel, IMHO. They know each other so well. Cordy makes Angel smile & laugh, and also challenges him and doesn’t put up with his bullshit, mocks his brooding and knows how to pull him out of it a lot of the time - she is SO much better for him. And with Angel, Cordy has grown so much, into the most amazing person. In the last episode, they would both do anything to save each other. Then again, on a more shallow note, I loved it when Angel bought Cordy a whole wardrobe of new clothes - he defo knew her better than Wes there :D So yeah, this, as well as how cute they are together.

Jean Olenick

Justine is a frustrating character, in that she's shown as being both strong-willed and really gullible at the same time (girl needs to stop drinking Holtz' Cool-Aide) but so but she gave us my fave Wes moment EVER, so I forbear.