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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/13osc796ku4espf/Buffy%20The%20Vampire%20Slayer%20S06E12%20-%20Doublemeat%20Palace%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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New thumbnails! Also--bless you.


"Im going on my break to have a quickie in the alley way" Stay classy buff ;)


OMG cute thumbnails alert! <3


WOW when you said a little late you meant like half a day…..I was hoping for by Sunday at the earliest. You have to be one of the hardest working, most conscientious reactors on patreon and youtube. I appreciate it as do most people here I’m sure. Hope you’re feeling better! I can’t even watch your reactions as fast as you put them out…..seriously I’m like ten pilots behind and now the buffyverse drops……good problems to have.


The new thumbnails look extra-good on patreon! Very cool

Alexis Cardarella

What a treat! it’s extra appreciated you found the time/wherewithal to get this out as soon as you could 🙌🏼 Hope you’re doing well!


"Manny's the humorless dolt who picks the pocket of he should bite me."

Amanda Logsdon

For someone who had to work fast food for a number of years it was spot on,(except for the moster eating people lol) it didnt over exaggerate much.


Do you know what I love about this episode? You can feel your sanity draining away as you watch it.


I worked at an A&W for a year and a half. It was sometimes mind-numbing, but my work environment wasn't anywhere near as gloomy as the Double Meat Palace. With many of my coworkers, we had a relationship where we made each others day better. I still like the food at A&W, so the job didn't scar me for life.


Loved this episode! Put lots people on a health kick! Apparently lots of actually fast food outlets refused to go on-air with this episode...(does that mean they actually use demon meat?)


This episode belonged in Season 1 or 2 but it was worth seeing again for your reaction.


This episode is considered by many the worst of the entire show. I haven't watched it in over 10 years. I hope to enjoy it more with your reaction.


Another cultural call-back moment when Buffy runs through the store telling everyone not to eat the food because "it's people!" LOL Charlton Heston would be so proud.


So, the infamous Double Meat Palace, I don´t like this episode much but I don´t think is that bad either. Your right Buffy have so much training she could work in a Gym, as a personal trainer, self-defense teacher, I mean she has a lot of options. And Halfrek, I love her she is the typical passive-aggressive friend, even though she has very good points here, I never liked how Xander treated Anya (And Cordy). In other note for me in this episode Spike looks the hottest.

Eric Zebrowski

Love the new covers Shan! :)

Tammy L. Faulkner

Loving the new cover!!! Your so adorable, perfecto!


I really enjoy the satirical Buffy POV in this episode. She expects to find some of those mindless automatons so that's what she finds. The best bit is the sound of a cell door slamming every time the time clock is punched.


This is such a weird freaky gross episode. Who the hell came up with the weird freaky penis monster?! Joss said that it was their most controversial, because the portrayal of the fast food industry ‘made the advertisers very twitchy’. Buffy so could do much better - self-defense teacher. You feel like in season 6 the writers just wanna make her miserable. :( There is the practicality of course that Buffy mentions, getting money quickly. Setting up self-defense classes, and building up a class full a students would take a little while - but there should be plenty of demand in Sunnydale! :)


Xander's comment reminded me of his issues in season 4! Poor Xander swimming the murky waters of fast food service! And Buffy's "Its People!" moment. Lol. I'm sure the vegans would agree! :)


i really dislike this epiosde. I saw some of the dailies of the spike and buffy chat at the counter, and i wish they'd left the whole convo in, its much better than the shortened version they ended up using :(


The first time I watched this episode i really didn't like it either! but now I actually kinda enjoy the strangeness of it.... This episode makes me really glad i'm a vegetarian though, it still is a really gross idea for an episode


I'm really curious, did you recognise Halfrec/Hale at all? Did you find her effulgent? :P

Alexis Cardarella

I appreciate the writers putting Buffy in fast food, or just any min. Wage job: it’s harsh, to see her have to experience this, but it’s relatable. That said: they make her work seem slow af, when in reality fast food is usually very busy and understaffed. That’s why everyone’s usually so lethargic like they were portraying


The perfect episode to debut the barf tier. A sadly missed opportunity.

Chris (darkwater)

Can hear you just fine! Actually, the volume balance between you and show is much better! :)


This is considered one of the worst episodes in the Buffyverse by the fandom...now you see why.


The problem with Buffy and other jobs is that she can't put her experience on her resume. And, like we saw with Kate in "Angel," her slayer stuff would put her at odds with the police organization as often as not.


She also has the problem of reliability. She can’t go in late or miss work and just say it was because she had to kill a demon.

Richard Lucas

1) I didn’t notice it the first time I watched the episode, and you didn’t mention it either, but the hat not only has a cow face at the front, it has a rooster tail at the back, hence signifying the two meats of the double meat palace, beef and chicken! 2) this episode is probably on a lot of people’s bottom ten Buffy episodes, but I did like the scene between Willow and Amy near the end of the episode


fun fact: this episode is the only episode to ever cause them to loss a sponsor


How ironic is it that Veggie burgers was considered a negative thing back then and now there is the Impossible Burger that people go out of their way to get it. Now you can go to multiple fast food resturants like White Castle and AppleBee's to literally get a burger that tastes like beef but it's actually plant based.

Timotey Kuhn

!. Heard you just fine....2. The off rhythm clapping during the theme song. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......the off rhythm clapping during the theme song...... LULZ. ;)


Still the worst Buffy episode (2nd worst of the entire Buffyverse), but I enjoyed it a bit more than I thought I would. Still gross as hell.

Andrew Pulrang

This is a terrible episode, and not just because it's a stupid premise. It's incredibly slow and boring. Your reactions are always a delight though!


I think it was supposed to be monotonous and boring, because that's how those jobs feel. It's true we never saw her during a rush, and there would have been some kind of up time, But even that would be repetitive and mind numbing.

Dennis Bryant

All of this about her job was supposed to be a big poke and jab at fast food places in general. I remember hearing that some of the show's sponsors were quite upset about it. Just makes it more funny to me. But overall, it was a real attempt to show how mind numbing jobs like this are, and did a good job of that,

Jon Freezin-Rain

SMG and fast food places https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ss7_5PSnyA Joss Whedon likes his inside jokes....