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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S06E01 - Bargaining Part 1 FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Dawn laying in bed with buffy bot always makes me sad lol :C


this season will always be my favourite season of buffy, phenomenal acting from sarah michelle gellar

Brandon Wiesner

Haha, you were cracking me up, banging you're head in that one part, with air guitar to boot! Also, I agree that people should say goodbye. It was funny though how you were like "don't argue with me!" You are so into this show now and it's great to see your journey through it, reminds me of when I first watched it.


At the time of filming, Giles was going to get a spin-off series on the BBC. That didn't happen; you'll have to figure out later if he ever returns to Buffy. :)


First "what!" of the new season! also love your "resolve face" when it comes to good byes Shan! 👍❤

Claire Eyles

Seeing as you've watched a few episodes ahead, Anthony Stewart Head took some episodes off (not saying how many, you'll have to watch to see if Giles returns or not) in S6 to spend time with his family in England.


Yes, Giles abandons the responsibility of Dawn *and* the Hellmouth to Willow. If Willow hadn't resurrected Buffy, everyone would be raped by motorcycle demons.


"look at it, it's so cute"....... :)


The Buffy-Bot was running into things because her navigational system was "injured" when the vampire hit her in the head with the bottle. Like GPS gone wonky. I LOLed so hard when you covered your mouth when Willow threw up the snake. I was thinking, You can still see it! Great reaction. On to the next episode.

s jaco

Cup of tea, cup of tea, almost got shagged, cup of tea. So epic that line!

s jaco

You were so busy making a song, you didn't notice Giles wasn't in the credit of the opening. ^^

Claire Eyles

Agree totally. Seriously, I don't think there are enough words to adequately describe how much I love this season.

Thomas Langerwerf

That'll put marzipan in your pie plate bingo!


"That'll put marzipan in you're pie plate, bingo!"


"Poor watcher... cuppa tea, cuppa tea, almost got shagged, cuppa tea..."

Andrew Pulrang

You raised a really good point about Giles leaving and not taking any responsibility for Dawn. I don’t remember that occurring to me when the show first aired, but it’s a valid point. I guess maybe it’s part of the theme they were trying to establish of the younger Scoobies taking responsibilities, and especially Willow and Tara becoming protective of Dawn. They already established that she trusted them and clung to them when things were difficult or she was not getting along with Buffy. Still, Giles might have put his foot down and insisted.

Brendan O'Connor

I call this season the season of unhealthy coping mechanisms. Example #1: Buffybot. I understand having it patrol and for Dawn to stay in town, but having it around was hurting them, and like you said Shan, not allowing them to move forward.

Jarrod Wild

It's really quick but just as Willow falls over and the spell appears to be broken, a shaft of white light shoots into the ground. I'm pretty sure that was Buffy's soul. :)


I remember the first time I watched this episode being so annoyed with the writers in the first few minutes, thinking that they had just brought Buffy back immediately in the opening scene with no explanation, and that all we'd get was some flashback scenes or something, and it felt way too sudden and kinda dismissive of her death. I think it took me a wee bit longer than Shan to realise that it was the Buffybot on patrol with the Scoobies, not until "That'll put marzipan in your pie plate bingo!". (Joss & co. do like to play around with us, :D ) Though it's hard to remember 17 years on - I think I was confused & thought something was up earlier than that, cos why on earth would Buffy need to whole Scooby gang to patrol with her? lol. Talking of which, I agree with Shan that Spike keeps getting his butt kicked really easily , both in the Gift finale and fighting these vamps here. I can understand what happened in the Gift - it was plot contrivance for Spike to be defeated so easily by Doc, so that Buffy gets to sacrifice herself and die. But here - Spike shoulda been able to take out all these vamps on patrol by himself, without any of the others. I do enjoy seeing him work together with the Scoobies as a team though, being accepted into the group, and trusted with looking after Dawn, and the team patroling gives opportunity for sarcastic remarks re. Giles, tea & shagging. :D So yeah, I'll forgive the inconsistency in Spike's fighting skills/speed etc. I do love these opening episodes, and there’s a lot going on, so many good quality moments.


Re. Giles. I agree with Shan and always have. I never understood why he was leaving. Ok, it's grief, he can't bear to be around anymore and wants to deal by escaping to back to England I presume. But that's very self absorbed way to deal with the grief - hey we all have our faults, but the idea that if Buffy isn't there, that he doesn't see Dawn and the Scoobies as family and he has no reason to stay, never sat right with me. Of course, he’s also abandoning the Hellmouth. With the only other slayer in prison, he’s leaving the Scoobies to patrol and deal with any major problems and apocalypses by themselves without all of his expertise, experience, knowledge of ancient languages & artefacts etc. Bad Giles! That’s a lot of responsibility to leave on Willow’s shoulders - in season 4 when he thought of leaving, he said Willow had the ability to take over. But she does not have all his training and knowledge, she is only 20/21 years old and is still at University. Same goes with leaving all of Dawn’s care to Willow and Tara ( plus some Spike protection :) ) - I love that they have moved in and are looking after Dawn, but they are only 20/21 years old, that’s a lot of responsibility to take on, and Dawn could definitely do with an older parental figure for support too.


I think in terms of Angel vs Spike's reaction to Buffy's death, the biggest factor is that Spike (and the Scoobies) are constantly reminded of it, both due to being in Sunnydale and because the Buffybot is always around. You're absolutely right that none of them are able to move on that way.


Yay! Day, made 😊 welcome back, Buffy reacts 😁


My favorite season of Buffy. I think I love it so much because it is just so different from what has come before it. Of course there are a few moments that I dislike but most of those are just minor quibbles rather than actual problems. I really hope you end up liking/loving this season, some people don't and I can understand why. I just hope you are not one of them.


On a much lighter note - Grrggh Arrgghhh!!! I love Tara’s little moment at the airport goodbye with the little rubber monster ( I remmeber those!) - I adore a wee bit of 4th wall breaking and this is a very cute one. Also Shan, I wasn’t sure of you’d catch the reference, because we always see you pausing the credits a moment or two in, and not watching until the end! So I was unsure if you’ve ever watched to the end and seen the Grrgghh Arrgghh! Monster - which I always thought was a shame if you hadn’t. Do you watch every one? There’s a few special ones that are different - which I’m sure I’ve seen someone mention before. Has someone given Shan a list of them, does anyone know? Perhaps only just beforehand for future eps, as it could be the tiniest bit spoilery that there’s something special about that episode.


I loooove season 6 , my favorite with 5 (7 very close), is a really bumpy ride but completely worth it I can´t say much for fear of spoilers, just i really hope you enjoy it ;)

Timotey Kuhn

As everyone has already said pretty much everything to say of note for this episode, I'll just break out my drumsticks to air drum along with our dear Shan during the theme... ;) :P

Timotey Kuhn

*hums theme song to "Jeopardy" while Shan walks away from chair* :P

Timotey Kuhn

P.S.....LUUUUUUV the head banging. Tee hee.

Timotey Kuhn

Shan's reaction t'would suggest at least a basic familiarity with our friendly neighbourhood "Grrrrr Arrrrrrgh"... ;)


I love Dawn and Spike on the motorbike in the new credits. I watch for it all the time. I love her football helmet.


I adore this too. I have a Dawn figure with that helmet, and I'd love a little motorbike to sit her and Spike on :) I've also had my eye on a 6" scale wheelchair for Spike for a while, recreate that season 2 vibe, but they are hard to find, and the only one I have is a bit pricey!


Oh yes! My first premature reaction now that im a patron! Lets do this.


The amount of guilt in this episode is off the charts.


Agreed. Buffy S5-S7 are the best. I prefer those story arcs. The earlier ones minus Season 2, were quite cheesy and over the top in terms of the story arcs. Cheesy Master, Mayor turning into a snake and Adam, a terribly developed robot.


Spike is always the total badass that killed 2 slayers. He just gets nurffed for plot reasons. It's an inconsistency you just have to roll with. All characters suffer from it. It's just more obvious with him.


Timothy Coon - yup, absolutely. What I meant is, that before this episode reaction I wasn't sure if Shan ever watched the 'Grrrr Arrrggh', so in anticipating the airport scene, I was hoping that Shan wouldn't miss out on the joke. And was delighted to see that she does get it, and must have watched to the end 'Grrrr Arrrggh' at least sometimes. :)