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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S05E21 - The Weight Of The World FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Brandon Wiesner

I'll still love you, because I'm catching up on the SPN reactions and I plan on doing the same for AoS, which are both still airing.


ASR: "so last week we dealt with glory getting the key...." my head instantly started singing 'I got the key, I got the secret...' hahah


Hey guys! Did you know... I'm dying. I forgot how funny this episode was and your reaction just added to it. LOL


OH GOD, i got all teary eyed too many times with this episode... again! I love how they do all the dream sequences throughout the entire series... even from the first season with the slayer-dreams. Always so cryptic and well done. Loved your reaction to this episode!! onto the gift!! (ps, doesnt spike look incredible this season lol?)


Oh, I LOVE how you are FINALLY in on the "ben is glory" running joke of the fandom lol! xx

s jaco

I feel bad for Spike this episode having to deal with everyone forgetting. This episode was used to let Sarah film her movie at the time, but it still works even if it wasn't originally the plan for Buffy to be in this state. I like Child Buffy and seeing Joyce again.


Does anyone else think there might be a connection between Ben and Glory?


Glory got the Key. She got the Secret. Yeah yeah, ah ha. Yeah, yeah.


ASR: "Guys? Did you know Glory is Ben?" No, no, no. Trolling is our job. You don't see us dying our hair pink. Keep the walls of the reactor/viewer universe intact.


I'm planning to do the same :) I've not watched any SPN reactions, so 5 seasons to catch up on, and another 9 to come! Phew! Also might give AOS another try, I only ever got to half way through season 2, so may pick it back up and watch with ASR. So I won't be leaving you either. XXX

Andrew Pulrang

It's weird, but I found the big breakthrough ... where Buffy says she "killed" Dawn by mentally giving up for a second ... fell kind of flat for me. I couldn't remember the details, and I thought it would be something more concrete or factual. But it was just sort of ordinary guilt and fatigue. It's understandable, but not much of a mystery or puzzle, which is how they played it up during the episode. On the plus side, I love all the "confusion" over Ben / Glory, and I adore when all of the Scoobies get serious. I mean, when even Anya is sincere, you know something important is happening.

Scarlett Monrow

Shannan, you are a great reactor. That means that you will be great even after Buffy is over. There is much more out there you can react to, so don't worry. As long as you are willing to do a reaction, I'll be watch you (in a non-creepy way). :)) Joss Whedon created at least 2 more great shows - Firefly and Dollhouse. You'll see familiar faces, get great story lines and dialogue that only Joss can write. And if it's not too much trouble, can you say if you saw any of these shows: Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Dollhouse?


Hi ASR, what ASR reaction series will I watch when your done with Buffy/Angel; Angel S5 is after Buffy's done... Don't know yet, seen lots of mighty fine suggestions. And it's a safe bet that Disney/Marvel/Fox will be making new content. After you burn through all the must-watch and good suggestions, you should probably watch at least some Dark Shadows. I think that was the 1st vampire TV series. It was a US daytime soap opera that made 1,226 episodes from 1966-71. You can put that one near the bottom of your backlog list. :)


"ben is glory". I don't understand what you mean by that.


The walls between realities came down... This is the world we live in now. I don't know how to live in this world if these are the choices.


It wasn't just guilt and fatigue though. It was a change in mindset that was influenced by that guilt and fatigue.


Imagine if a family member died of a disease. Imagine if you truly believed that you had done something that contributed to their death. It would be emotionally crippling whether there was any truth to it or not.


Just to say, I am loving the bright pink in your hair. But then I do go for bright dyes myself :) It looks great.


'Is everyone here very stoned?' :D :D Yup, my favourite scene of this episode, and the whole running gag. So, Ben's been subletting from Glory? :D :D Your 4th wall breaking reaction to these scenes, is priceless. Love it. [ hm, can you break the 4th wall from the other side? Like y'know, when you pretend to be affected by magic or the delusion on the screen. Works in my head :) ]


Only negative note in this episode - Xander is a complete dick about the psychiatric ward patients - ' Vegetable ward'. Ugh ! Actually, the show creators treated mental health really badly this whole season, in their very derogatory depiction of Glory's victims - except for Tara. Just because we know her as a main character, she gets to keep her humanity, is loved and treated humanely. The the way that Glory's mentally unwell victims are treated - really?! All strapped down to beds in an open ward? Which comes across the way we see it, as the way they are permanently held. No psychiatric ward is like that. If you haven't been in one, think One Flu Over the Cuckoo's Nest or Girl, Interrupted. Separate room for each patient, down a corridor, and communal social spaces. That not just in private hospitals or a TV/film thing - it's what you get in an NHS hospital in the UK. Patients are only ever strapped down like that in recent decades if the patient is currently trying to hurt themselves or someone else. ( OK, some times there's abuse of power, or misunderstanding - but not -'this is what we do with all psychiatric patients, strap them all down to a bed 24/7'). None of Glory's victims showed any aggression or violence to themselves or someone else - the most we got was the guy outside the magic shop being right up in Dawns face when saying she didn't belong here. Now, they could be a danger to themselves or others because they are not aware enough of reality. So could walk into traffic, or accidentally harm themselves or someone else, etc. So enough to need sectioning, especially if no-one to watch them 24/7 like Tara has. They would be put in a very secure ward, with locked doors and windows, and not allowed out. But they could wander freely, and use a communal social room, and if there was any immediate threat of harm to others or themselves, only then restrained, drugged up, and then released again from restraints again. Drugs are the calming tool of choice. Um, ok , bit of a rant here. My bug bear of this season. Yeah, ok, things in Sunnydale are often unrealistic - like the police, lol. Is this meant to be some weird Sunnydale thing? If these mentally ill patients are such a threat that they have to be constantly strapped down, how come they are in a completely open unlocked ward, that Dawn and others can just walk straight in to!!! :D :D But what it looks like is just a really poor depiction of mental health, where it's implied that this is how these patients should be treated, or that it's normal, nothing wrong in doing so. The poor brain sucked people are no different than Tara - trapped in a dark room inside their heads, full of delusions and hallucinations that are just like really big metaphors for their mental state that feel extremely real. What is depicted, most closely resembles schizophrenia. Like with Tara and Drusilla, we can see that a lot of their so called 'rambling nonsense' makes a complete internal logic to the person, if you just knew what it is about. Like Spike, seems to know what's going on with Dru most of the time & can interpret, after 100 years together I should hope so . :D p.s - This is why I subconsciously put off posting on here when I really want to leave a comment. Big analysis that turns into an essay - tick! Or just posting loads of generally gushing and detailed comments - tick! Soz peeps :)


P.s I think it's a shame about Xander being an ableist dick in this episode, becos I just love the comedy duo of him and Spike here. :D

Hans Olav

His comments about that place is only because he spent countless hours there (in the hospital) while joyce was sick/dead. There are lots of other insensitivities, but it was another time.

Timotey Kuhn

Said it during Angel S2 E21, I'll say it again. Absolutely we'll still wuv you long after Angel & Buffy are done with. There's all manner of other shows to still watch/re-watch together... Dinna ye fret... :D


Yeah, there are a lot of insensitivities - i..e blatantly prejudiced shit - off characters from time to time - and that's realistic, cos people are flawed and do so in real life. The show doesn't pick up on them as prejudiced behaviour though and show them as such, because it was kinda progressive for its time, but still - shows we have come a long way in some areas since. Xander's remark wasn't about the hospital in general though, or a general ward. I can't see how it's related to him spending a lot of time there when Joyce was ill, since it wasn't an insult aimed at being fed up with the place. The insult was specifically to call people with mental health problems vegetables. He was talking about Glory's victims in the mental health ward. For people who are marginalised and often mistreated in society, a stereotype reinforcing insult isn’t a minor 'insensitivity’. But hey, I didn't intend for it to get over serious - like usual my brain goes into analysis mode. I intended to make a small comment about something that annoyed me, and then my brain goes into analysis ‘splurge’ mode, Lol. I’ll leave it up, because I’ve never really posted online about this before. In my first watch through when the show was on, I knew this season made me feel very uncomfortable on the way they treated mental health, but couldn’t articulate it. Plus I was not online back then, but haven’t been on enough forums I guess to have a discussion about it since. I also think that in the past I was so distracted by Spike nicking a bag of blood and then smoking in front of the non-smoking sign, :D - that I don’t think I picked up on Xander’s comment before, that damn distracting vamp!


We'll still love you; there's plenty more Joss stuff, super hero shows and if worst comes to worst...……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...Passions


Your enjoyment of the Ben/Glory stuff was fun to watch, and even better when you added your own 'shannanigans'. LOL :)