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One of my least favorite episodes because they built Kivar up for 2.5 seasons and this is all we got - Isabel defeats him with 1 little push.


1. You said the 14 year old we saw back in Season 2 WASN'T Kivar (Yes, his name was Nicholas apparently) .....Oh ok... Well... Blame the "fan" Wiki for crediting the actor for also playing Kivar (I googled it some more and that actor was only in Season 2.. So someone fucked up and I got bad intel .....Their bad) 2. Well well well.... Looks like Max and Isabel's dad is trynna piece things together ....It's about time someone in that house clued on to what their kids are up to ....I mean... I know WE have only basically seen 3 seasons of this show ....But imagine living with 2 aliens for like 12 years or something like that and NOT. having picked up ANY. of the clues until now 3. The dad shows up at Valenti's house asking about Tess and he's like: "They dated? ..Right?" ...Come on... Further proof these parents SUCK. ....What father WOULDN'T. know their kid was dating!?! 4. Oh heeeeeell no.... Kivar just told Isabel that he wants to take her home ....She asks him how ....And he's like we've got a better form of transportation "Better than a ship" .....Bish this "better form of transportation" better not be what I'm thinking 5. Poor Jesse... Isabel is coming up with all kinds of excuses ..Meeting guys behind his back ...Meanwhile he's just really trying to screw his 18 year old bride 6. Ok ....Random as FUCK. ....But I guess we're letting Jesse in on the alien secret now? ...Fair ...I mean... You shouldn't be lying to the person you love anyways ...added after... Ok sadly it was fake 7. Hold on.... Isabel JUST. turned a candle into a weird looking rose thingy RIGHT. in FRONT. of Jesse's eye sockets and this man .....This... Grown ass man.... Is like "This is some weird family practical joke right?" .......Yeah.. Sure mah dude... Isabel drugged you with some shit that makes you hallucinate and THAT'S how you just saw her change that candle into a rose ......Bish.. Is you stupid?? 8. Oh ........Ok ....It was all in Isabel's head ...Yeeeeeaaah ...cough... I knew it wasn't real 9. Holy shit... Isabel just disolved the rock wall that Max and Michael were hiding behind ....She's got the earthbending scroll! 10. Why are Isabel's eyes black when she's taken over by Vilandra??? ....I'm just curious ...Cause if this is an indication that she's completely taken over ....Then why does Kivar not have black eyes aswell?? For SURE. he'd be completely taking over this guy's body so his eyes SHOULD. already look like that 11. Aight.... So not a stargate ...Just a weird looking Sliders portal at the top of a glowy tube looking thing 12. You were wondering how the guy knew where he was after he was no longer possessed ...Welp... He asked Michael where he was just 5 seconds before you asked the question ...I guess this guy knows his geography... Cause I sure as FUCK. have never heard of this place they went to for their honeymoon 13. Yeeeeeeaahh... Jesse.. I hope you didn't light any candles for this romantic night with your teen wife... Cause this room is going to EXPLODE. with all the gaslighting Isabel is doing trying to convince you everything you saw was all just in your head 14. I dunno ...I feel like Liz's dad WOULD. be ok with her name being on the investigation board ....Dude has sort of been against Liz and Max dating for a while ...And I say "sort of" cause his motivations have been all over the place lately ....But I suppose that if Max's dad would have some more dirt on Max ...He could use that to really drive a wedge between his daughter and Max dating