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Patrick - Excelsior

And these two girls appear to be part of a MoW story. smh I like that Adalind is worried about Eve. While they never explored it, many fans believe Trubel might have been lesbian, or possible pan sexual or even asexual. That book is like a reverse etch-a-sketch. Shake it and it un-erases. While not dementia, my father had a heart attack that caused brain damage. This led to a permanent loss of short-term memory and much of his long-term memory. He also suffered from aphasia (reduced ability to speak or understand what going on around him). It took a while to learn to understand him when he talked. He would stutter severely and only talked in a whisper. He also had great difficulty in remembering words when speaking but understood them when he heard them. If I left the room for more than an hour, when I came back, he would ask “Who are you?”. I would respond “Your son." He would just say “Oh.” He lived this way for about 10 years. Interesting story here but with only 3 episodes left I feel this one would have served better in the 4th season instead of one of the crappy episodes.