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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hnr5zqdvyuf25b91ree3z/The-Last-Of-Us-S01E09-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=zts133ky0doy6iwz92gvr60en&dl=0

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Brandon Wiesner

I'm glad you like the series. The storytelling, you can thank the game for. They did everything they could to make sure the show was as close to the first game as possible. There's a reason why the game was so popular and got remastered with every new console since releasing on the PS3. The story was so compelling. You are right, there was a serious lack of infected as the show went on. If you ever do play the game, which I very highly recommend, there will be a lot more of them as you progress in the story. But of course, when you are adapting a game with 15 or so hours of playtime into a 9 episode series, there will inevitably be things that they will have to cut out to keep the story moving. It was a difficult choice for Joel. Well at least to us it was. But he didn't see it that way. He didn't hesitate to start shooting his way through the hospital, cure be damned. I understand why he did what he did. Ellie was his daughter to him. He would fight to keep her alive no matter what. I also understand the counter to that point though. If they produced a cure, sacrificing one life to save millions, or thousands, depending on how many people are left in the world, would be one worth making. But the thing is, they weren't sure. They could have done the surgery and it might not have worked. Lying to Ellie probably wasn't the smartest thing but I think there was something in Ellie that told her something was up. Otherwise, why would she have asked him to swear to it? I think she knew he was lying and that he couldn't live with it if she had died but she said "ok" because she realized that Joel doesn't compromise with the lives of people that he loves and she also appreciated that he would do everything for her in an unrelenting way. Before the series, I can't count how many times I played the game. I'm actually surprised you haven't played it yet, being how popular it was and also being a PS exclusive. Maybe you were scared before. But you made it through the show and doing well with TWD. I think you would do fine with it now.