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1. Kind of a weird scene ...Ally sees some dude standing in the dark next to some gravestones and she goes up to him and asks if he's ok ..... I highly fucking doubt a woman would approach a man standing in a graveyard in the dark unless she's holding a stake 2. Also... Who the hell even goes up to someone grieving like that?? Are you ok?? Is there anything I can do??? ......Who do you think you are Ally??? Jeebus???? Are you gonna bring his wife back to life or some shit??? No... You're not ...So let the guy grieve in peace 3. You're not wrong ...Regina Hall doesn't really have much screen time on the show and it feels like.. Given this is the show we're talking about.. She might just be in the credits to replace Renée ...I wouldn't be surprised if you're right about this 4. Minister: "I said god no longer believes in us.. Or he no longer cares" ...Other Dude: "How can we have our minister saying that?" ....You: "It's true.. Like not one for religion.. But a minister shouldn't be saying that to people" .......Yeah true ...Instead a minister should just continue to lie to people ...Cause people won't be donating if they realise their faith is based on a lie and without donations he'd be out of a job .....Oh no... Wait... Nah I'm sure god would have him covered ....Right? 5. Judge to John: "I've put up with your nonesense for 5 years" .......Really??? That's a weird thing to say to John isn't it?? ....Does that mean Cage & Fish started their firm around the pilot of Ally McBobblehead?? I feel like that's not the case ....I feel like their firm has been around for a bit longer than that ...They didn't look like they JUST. started it back in Season 1 (I think.. From what I remember) .....It was probably a weird way of saying that the SHOW. has been going for 5 years though 6. Sooooo... Is Singing Boy dating the prom girl who he sued in one of the previous episodes or are we just not gonna mention that?? ......Also... Yeah... Ally met this kid ONCE. ....Why the FUCK. would she expect him to have called her after his mum died?? ....Like... Who goes.. Shit... My parent just died ...Let me call this RANDOM. person I met ONCE. ...This 30+ year old woman who kinda hit on me.. To tell her all about it ....Ally... Come on..... How self absorbed are you?? ...You're not even the main star of your OWN. show ..Why would you be anything but a cameo in his life?! 7. Elaine: "Santa Clause got stuck in my chimney" .......Ok... How come when Elaine sings this I have the urge to call 911??? That sounds like serious medical issue where a guy ....I dunno.... Got his dick stuck somewhere ...SOMEHOW??? 8. Why did we go from a scene where John was wearing an elf outfit.. To a scene where he's in court wearing a normal suit ...To a scene where he's in the bathroom with Richard wearing the elf outfit again??? ......What's with the weird outfit changes?? ....I was actually expecting him to go to court as an elf .......Aaaaaand I just got done typing and he's in court wearing his normal suit again .....Why!?! ...added later... Did they just want the actor to look silly cause there wasn't any real payoff to any of this in the rest of the episode 9. The episode brings up the question if we believe in souls ...I do ...In some form ...I DON'T believe in heaven and hell... That's just religious bullshit ....But I DO. whole-heartedly believe that death is NOT. the end ...The closest I can COMPARE. it to is ascension (not exactly the same as stargate ofcourse) ...We move on to whatever comes next and I think that WHILE. we sleep we're sometimes able to unknowingly tap into that place ....It's how I believe that during a few lucid dreams I was visited by my old bestie who died at some point ...In one of the lucid dreams he told me everything was going to be ok .....Still waiting for that to happen cause life most certainly sucks ....But the thought of that ...The thought that death is not the end has made me unafraid of the inevitable day that I will leave this place /rant 10. Aight let's remember that they just pointed out Ally is putting the tree up on Chrimmus Eve ....I wonder if the next episode(s) are STILL going to take place during chrimmus or if we've got some plotholes to point out 11. Yes Froots... It HAS. been 9/11 ....I think it was 2 episodes ago where Ally and her "therapist" were talking about some stuff and she randomly pointed out the fact that the world had changed since September .....It came out of nowhere ....I'm not sure what fire they're talking about here that these firemen died in ....But I'm GUESSING. you might be right and they might be referring to 9/11 again??? ......I'm not sure though ....Cause this show takes place in Boston ....That's 300km-ish away from New York City ....If it is a reference to 9/11 again ....Than they're making yet another random reference to it ...Another strange attempt to try to feel included 12. John: "Sometimes it helps to celebrate, good will towards man, peace on Earth and joy.. A lot of things chrimmus stands for in this country" .....I feel lowkey offended by that sentence ...Does John think it DOESN'T mean the same thing in the REST. of the world?? All the OTHER. places that celebrate chrimmus?? ....What he said there just sounded so Murican ....Like ...."We're the only country in the world" kinda shit .....I mean... Dude... Peace on Earth ...Y'know what that entails?? There's OTHER. countries!!! 13. You: "So much better than Shonda Shepard ...Wait was it Shonda Shrimes? I'm getting confused with Grey's Anatomy now" .....Close Froots ...It was Vonda Shepard ....And it doesn't take much to be better than her ...added later... Aight you figured it out 14. Yeah this episode was somewhat better than every other episode of Season 5 so far ...I'm not gonna jinx it ...But... Fingers crossed?

Kazz (Charmed4lifekaren)

This ep starts... crap i really hope this isn't what ep i think it is. It takes a hell of a lot to cry but this ep is one of the few television show episodes that makes me cry because Malcolm's song makes me think of my dad who died when i was 18. The fact that a pretty midcore ep can give that kind of feelings makes it a little better, but still not great. I agree with the above comment that says this seems like a push to make references to 9/11. WTF was the point of the fight between New Girl and Elaine? there seems to be no point to it. Also, did Nelle have any lines this ep???