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"How can she be 21?" Because there are multiple imbedded flashbacks at various points of time. The Jr high scene was a few years before she met Gentle, which in turn was a few years before the present. And when he says toughest opponent, he doesn't mean physically. All the other enemies had goals he was against that were bad. Kill heroes, destroy society, etc. Gentle's goal is essentially to make La Brava happy, and he is careful to harm no one in the process. This means that by beating him, Deku is hurting someone else. He still does it, but that's a hard choice to make for him. He wants to make people happy and help them, but in this case letting Gentle and La Brava get their way and be happy will make a bunch of other people unhappy, including Eri, so Deku still chooses to stop them. But that's a much harder choice to make than stopping a villain from killing a bunch of people.


I just got into this show because of you! I binged all of your reactions and now caught up! I do have to say i really like these couple episodes but i understand if you dont. Hopefully you like the next few episodes. Good reaction nonetheless! Can you give me any reasons you dont like the character or this arc so i can maybe understand your point of view a bit better?