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This episode shows just how forced Jesse is. Like I said last episode, it must only be 5 months since Alex died and Isabel already wants to walk down the aisle. Also it bugged me that they used the Ghost Alex and Isabel song (not Clark and Chloe's) when she accepts Jesse's proposal. Also you're now free to read this piece I wrote in 2019 that I'm really proud of. It took me about 9 months from initial writing to multiple drafting and editing to final publish on Crashdown. Ghost Alex was the last spoiler I explicitly mentioned within. crashdown.com/news/roswell-anniversary/roswell-in-its-original-form/


1. I wasn't explaining anything with my note about the tray of Snapple drinks ...I was making fun of you ....But... Now I'mma explain something cause I've stolen enough shit to be able to piece together a decent plan to get away with shit unnoticed ...Michael intended to sneak back into the building and replace the Snapple he stole ....Now ...Again... I'm assuming Michael isn't a total dumbass ...So if he's thinking anything like me ...He bought a new tray of Snapple drinks to replace the one he stole ....Cause as you said ..Maria got one off of the stolen tray he had in his fridge .....You can say it was a production error ...But I'mma stick with the thought that Michael was on my level and got a new tray so he could replace it unnoticed 2. I actually DON'T mind the brunette colour on Isabel... The short hair however is a big NO. .....I don't understand what women are thinking when they get short hair ....Actually no... It'd probably be easier for them to deal with short hair or whatever ...I guess I don't understand how men can feel attracted to women with short hair ...In my opinion it'd feel like being in a relationship with another guy ....Hard pass 3. Ok.... Dude... You didn't wanna be on the show anymore ...Why are you here? 4. Oh ok so he's just there to cockblock Isabel and Jesse ...Ok ...The cockblocking continues I guess 5. Isabel: "I'm 18 and I want to go to college" .....Eeeeehmmm... Whut??? So we're just forgetting the fact you were GOING. to college ....You legit said you only needed to get credit for ONE. more class and that was IT. ....DONE. .....Are they saying that Isabel is retaking the ENTIRE. year just for shits and giggles??? ....Who the FUCK. retakes an ENTIRE. year of school for fun!?!? 6. Poor Maria feeling unloved ....Yeeeeeaahh... Michael better not go fucking hang out with his buddies ....PRIORITISE your relationship mah dude!! ...Your girl should always come first! (in every situation) 7. What the fuck is up with Liz's dad's hair?? Did you see that shit when he came out of the kitchen to yell at Max??? Dude had a full fringe going on or some shit ....He looked a bit unhinged or something ...That and the argument he had earlier on with Liz's mum ....It sounds like he's going through some shit and he's lashing it out onto his wife and daughter ...It's a bit fucked up ....Almost as fucked up as seeing that type of haircut on a 50+ year old dude 8. Y'know what's kinda fucked up... Michael DOESN'T have to hide his alien origins from Maria ...Max DOESN'T have to hide his alien origins from Liz .....Isabel wants to have a stable relationship ...But when she asks for permission (which in itself is fucking stupid.. she shouldn't HAVE. to ask but whatever) to tell Jesse the truth... Michael and Max get all hypocritical and tell her she can't tell Jesse ....Poor Isabel will be alone forever if she's not "allowed" to show the person she loves all of who she is 9. Nah... Sorry... I don't agree with the whole "You can't tell Jesse" bullshit ....I get that it's risky for everyone involved but they've done this before ....They're legit just saying that Isabel isn't allowed to have anyone in her life ...That's fucked up 10. Michael..... Mah dude.... You took her to the bowling alley where your buddies are bowling??? ....Come on ....This night was supposed to be about Maria ...How the hell have I never been in a relationship yet I know you're supposed to put your girl first?? ....This guy is really pushing it ....I wouldn't be surprised nor would I blame her if Maria left his ass ...Michael better step up if he wants to keep her around 11. Yip... The smooth slicked back hair look on Isabel is even worse ...It definitely looks like she JUST. stepped out of the shower 12. Ok... Maria was waaaaaaaaaay too understanding of this whole situation ....This was definitely a case of TV gotta TV Show cause no fucking way would this be happening in real life unless they're writing Maria off as some sad loser who will just let people walk all over her... Dude just totally blew her off to hang out with his friends on what was supposed to be their special night ....That's crappy behaviour 13. Really??? Dude was keeping that ring in his jacket cause he needed to sell it or whatever his excuse was??? ....OFCOURSE. Isabel was going to think he was going to propose... AS. IF. she'd draw a different conclusion ....This was such a cop-out excuse .............Thaaaaaat apparently transitioned into a proposal????? ....The writing is weird on this one 14. And yeah.... Proposing after 3 months?!?? ...To an 18 year old who apparently is STILL. in high school!?!?! RED FLAG! 15. Isabel runs out of the restaurant to chase after Jesse... You: "Is this dining and dashing?" ....HA! Yeah who paid for their food and drinks??? Ghost Alex????