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Hey all!

Last month was the first time in a while I've managed to get back on track and hit the 3 story and 1 Audiobook target. In April I said I needed to reduce my output because of stress but eventually even my full-time job couldn't handle what I was struggling with. I'm off sick there until October, and may not return.

As such, I'm probably going to be doing a big, formal relaunch of the Patreon. There will be new tiers and it'll formally become my full-time job.

This still needs work to ensure I don't break these new promises once I start the process, but it's going to happen and I have some plans in place to do so.

I'll update further later in the month, for now though I need to get you guys three more stories and an audiobook for this month as a priority!

Love you all as always

Daddy Wuffster


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